there's a penalty to exp for every level away (high or low) your sailors are from the level of the ship (I'm also informed that level of guns/aircraft/etc "can" also affect the sailors in those slots, but don't quote me on that one).
there's a well deserved, and not nearly enough of one, for shooting your own teamates. this is when you shoot some poor DD who's in too close to the enemy ship you're targeting, or somebody crosses you and you shoot anyways. those wayward guns that fire in a direction other than where you're targeting at (ECL Emerald users know this one well). and heaven forbid, those who lob torps around carelessly in the "general direction of the enemy" without a care who's in the way.
and finally, if you use guns, in any combination with HH, Torps, Depth Charges, TB/DB and so forth, also gets you smaller exp.