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  • Reynaud price. Too much?

    05. 10. 2011 13:04

Isnt the french ECL Reynaud too expensive?
Compared to the other nations ECL?

Japan Yubari is 70k,
German Emden is 90k,
GB Emerald is 100k,
US Omaha is 110k,
->French Reynaud: 300k,
Only soviet Chapayev costs 300k too.

Even higher lvl french CLs are cheaper:
lvl 28 Pluton: 145k,
lvl 32 Duguay Trouin: 178k,
lvl 34 Jeanne D Arc: 211k,
lvl 36 Emile Bertin: 178k,

You know for new player it is quite difficult to put together such amount of credits.
Im at lvl 27 and my account balance is 30717 credits after I purchased Mogador.

Is there any special reason for this?

  • Re : Reynaud price. Too much?

    06. 10. 2011 22:47

it will be lowered together with the mn patch in july

  • Re : Reynaud price. Too much?

    06. 08. 2011 08:59

Please lower it's price!!

  • Re : Reynaud price. Too much?

    05. 25. 2011 09:40

The value I posted is only on the test server right now, wait until the live patch before selling
the Reynaud.

  • Re : Reynaud price. Too much?

    05. 24. 2011 19:19

aw, but i have a limitted credits, i want to know if im goin to sell the reynauld before
patch, but i will loss the credits i have in buying engine, or they will give me the
excess prize for the reynauld if i dont sell it....

  • Re : Reynaud price. Too much?

    05. 24. 2011 11:55

180k creds aint nothin, as far as it goes for me it was worth the price over the other cl
grind, thats starting with a fresh crew and 50k start off funds. the price change is for
future new players.

  • Re : Reynaud price. Too much?

    05. 24. 2011 00:01

but what will happen to the existing reynauld, will they give us back the excess price
when patch is applied?

  • Re : Reynaud price. Too much?

    05. 22. 2011 11:35

Reynaud is an emden on roids, who cares if it costs more if it does that much better of a

  • Re : Reynaud price. Too much?

    05. 22. 2011 09:26

For the next test server patch:

CL Reynaud: Cost: 300000 -> 120000

  • Re : Reynaud price. Too much?

    05. 22. 2011 07:17

if someone would post a suggestion to lower the price in thee suggestion area then
debating/flaming/or etc will start

  • Re : Reynaud price. Too much?

    05. 22. 2011 06:04

Will it ever drop the price ?
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