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  • different planes, different ammo

    05. 10. 2011 15:55

I think if you were to have a set plane for each pilot that you have will make it more
interesting. Meaning in the shipyard i put x number of planes for a lvl 75 fighter of a
certain type of plane and also be able to have x number of planes for a lvl 60 fighter
of a different plane. That way you'll be able to use low level fighters and high level
fighters at the same time.

  • Re : different planes, different ammo

    05. 11. 2011 14:48

Last I heard AP bombs were still bugged. As for lockers for planes, the simple solution
would be to create lockers for planes same as turrets. Less historically accurate
(switching in mid flight).

Allowing different planes for different pilots was suggested at one point and actually
(from a game play stance) would be nice. It would create a useful situation for locals
(IE load one FP with Locals and rest with good fighters, leaving that spare pilot for

  • Re : different planes, different ammo

    05. 11. 2011 14:36

hmmm tried it once :D but switch back to he bomb

  • Re : different planes, different ammo

    05. 11. 2011 14:19

Does anyone actually use AP bombs in the first place?

  • Re : different planes, different ammo

    05. 11. 2011 12:38

ok point taken there are alot more problems/suggestions SDE should be working on.

  • Re : different planes, different ammo

    05. 11. 2011 06:15

Actually, we're just wishing to see our planes clearly instead of flies.

  • Re : different planes, different ammo

    05. 11. 2011 04:15

it still impossible, cause i see planes are treated in slot a while there bombs is at slot
b (in guns slot a is lhe and slot b is for ap)

  • Re : different planes, different ammo

    05. 11. 2011 02:15

ok lets change up my idea somewhat. Instead of having different level planes we
just add on a switch/knob that allows you to load on ap or he ammo for dbs and add
maybe a different kind of torp for tbs so they can do the same. So you can send a
squad of dbs with ap ammo then follow up with he.

  • Re : different planes, different ammo

    05. 10. 2011 20:32

"so you have no objection/reason from a gaming/playing standpoint?

your also implying that they dont know how."

SDE does not know their own code

Also what would be the point?

Look at how it's implemented, fighters use one plane, there's no selection tab, it would
require a complete redo of a ui just so morons could use differently leveled planes and
exploit somehow

  • Re : different planes, different ammo

    05. 10. 2011 19:55

Means if this was ever to be implemented there'd be 5 rings for scouts/4 rings for
Fighters/3 Rings for DB's (Don't forget Skytrains)/And 2 rings for TB's.

  • Re : different planes, different ammo

    05. 10. 2011 18:33

theres only 1 red ring for fighters and fighter selection its capped for lvl of the pilot
to implement your idea another red ring for fp should be created idk if thats posible
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