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  • APA hybrid CV remodels?

    05. 12. 2011 07:40

Is it possible to have APA remodels with the HA crew replaced with (4) pilots and Oyodo planespace?

If it is possible, somebody should add them as level 47 remodels as APAs usually sit in a harbour for weeks doing


  • Re : APA hybrid CV remodels?

    05. 13. 2011 02:38

just in response to kingcong that was just replying to your last statement...a troop
ship with planes might as well be a cv with 20 inch guns...

  • Re : APA hybrid CV remodels?

    05. 12. 2011 20:23

APAs are for HA, thats it.

Some things have a specific purpose while other things are versatile, in the case of APA,
they are specific. If you want something that you can use in HA and battle, level a CV
and raise an Airlift Force.

  • Re : APA hybrid CV remodels?

    05. 12. 2011 16:33

If you don't like not using your apa then don't get one

  • Re : APA hybrid CV remodels?

    05. 12. 2011 16:21

>Historically some subs were able to carry a seaplane scout type of thing.

right so building on this, my next point is historically, which apa had planes?

  • Re : APA hybrid CV remodels?

    05. 12. 2011 16:10

Have fun with your dead end line

  • Re : APA hybrid CV remodels?

    05. 12. 2011 11:50

correction to Elliot: Agano remods to oyodo not Asama

Historically some subs were able to carry a seaplane scout type of thing.

  • Re : APA hybrid CV remodels?

    05. 12. 2011 11:12

said nations with good AA would have better AA boats already available.

now fictionally, why would APA have planes?

how could you fit landing force and pilots at the same time? Assuming youre doinitrite.

if not then can my sub have planes too?

  • Re : APA hybrid CV remodels?

    05. 12. 2011 07:58

APAs don't remodel at all. The Agano remodels into the oyodo (CL), and mogami into mogami
with flight deck (CA). There is no ship after the APA ship, the line just dies.

APAs are only good for HA and doing a lot of low level sailors at one time. Some, some
even argue that it is a good AA boat, if that nation has good AA.