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  • Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 11:55

Yes I know this was suggested in some form or another so don't post search but the
simple fact is missions have basically no reward even if you complete it successfully.
Missions are done for fun but if there is no reward people are more inclined to do
gb2 battles. All I am asking for is an increase of the creds and exp rewarded for
successfully or even failing a mission to something like what gb2 gets.

Edit: just increase the exp and creds of mission reward, if successful, to something
like a blitz lvl or a loss in gb2.

  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 13. 2011 02:34

for once i agree with erad on something...WHAT?

  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 18:15


  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 18:10

wow, destroy cl fleet mission, test mission, manual something something, aa mission and
other easy to win get 3k xp ? lol

and are this two couples above me couple :D when samurai is present, eradicator also :D no

  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 17:32

Not doing anything since everyone agrees that missions are for practice. This is a
MULTIPLAYER GAME; therefore, gameplay is geared around MULTIPLAYER gametypes, such as GB,
GB2, Blitz, etc.

  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 17:29

ok so raise the reward too high and you get more people playing against bots, even
raise it by a little and we get complainers, don't raise it at all? Whats the point of a
mission then? If i read correctly they used to allow you to raise experts but not
anymore right? So what do you all suggest.

  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 17:19

How would it scale?

>3K exp for 20 minutes of play
>1mil exp to level up at the MINIMUM level to beat any of them
>implying that anyone would actually play them

  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 17:16

compared to the 300 you would get from the mission now?

  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 17:14

You do realize that 3k is still way too low anyway right

  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 17:04

all i'm saying is increase the exp and creds to like 3000 exp and creds or something,
winning a mission is hard enough as is and the standard rate right now is way to
freakin low. It would still allow Gb2 to have more exp and such but it won't keep
missions as horrible as a reward.

  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 16:08

JAJAJA exploita ensues as people make bots to complete missions as fast as possible
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