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  • SS torpedo in launchers bug

    05. 13. 2011 05:19


I have occasional problem with torpedo count in launchers on my KM SS4 (U-Flak) U-boat.
Sometimes the number of torpedos in launchers (I notice when I go to check the loaded
torpedo numbers in the shipyard) gets decreased from the full load without any
explanation, so I am suspecting a bug. This does not happen too often (timescale: 1-2 weeks).

Can anyone confirm or has experienced this problem?

I promised a friend to investigate this so please let me know if you are familiar with the
issue and/or has happened to you.


  • Re : SS torpedo in launchers bug

    05. 15. 2011 09:42

me too thank for Good information.

  • Re : SS torpedo in launchers bug

    05. 15. 2011 09:38

I remember it since I started playing. So at least about a year.

  • Re : SS torpedo in launchers bug

    05. 15. 2011 09:35

Yes, I managed to also reproduce the problem myself. I kill the NF client before clicking
"next" after the battle when receiving exp (well did it in the test mission). And when
logged back in, I was missing exactly the amount of torpedos that I used in the game.
Is this a new or old bug, and how old? Because I don't remember noticing it happening before.

  • Re : SS torpedo in launchers bug

    05. 14. 2011 18:48

He is right. If the game crashes or you disconnect then the ammo won't be auto refilled.

  • Re : SS torpedo in launchers bug

    05. 13. 2011 10:31


Thank you for your quick answer.

There is a certain bet at stake regarding this "phenomenon" with my friend, so I will be
very grateful if as many people as possible, especially experienced players could also
confirm this issue if they noticed. Especially if you noticed this happening under some
other condition and whether this is reproducible or really happening rarely.
( not that I don't believe you :) )

  • Re : SS torpedo in launchers bug

    05. 13. 2011 08:04

It sometimes happen when you crash, get disconnected or desync with the server. The
game doesn't reload your full ammo count.

This not only happens with Torps on SS, but also with planes on CVs, Scouts on BBs,
ammo from guns... basically anything you can load on a ship. If the server doesn't
recognize the reload after battle, then you will see some of those numbers decreasing.

I wouldn't call it a bug, just a connection issue.