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  • Sleep talking

    05. 13. 2011 11:54

I myself is a "sleep talker". Anybody got any Experience about it? Because my wife
download a forein movie "not chinese or english" and she told me most of my sleep
talking in that Language. I never learn that language or hear anybody speak that
language before.

Last time my sister used to slap me with her teddy bear or pillow when I sleep

  • Re : Sleep talking

    05. 13. 2011 21:27

@firez: Nah. She was either A. too tired to remember or B. wasnt really paying that
much attention. Slap her before the next one, see if she remembers it then. heh.

  • Re : Sleep talking

    05. 13. 2011 16:41

If I ever talk in my sleep, it is more like sleep yelling. Most of the time I sleep yell
about work and how everyone is not doing their job.

  • Re : Sleep talking

    05. 13. 2011 15:13

Sometimes when I go wake up my sister up we have some conversion and I swear
she talks like normal but then afterwards said she doesn't remember it. Sleep talk?

  • Re : Sleep talking

    05. 13. 2011 14:00

I have a similar problem. I will recite word for word any book i read while sleeping.

  • Re : Sleep talking

    05. 13. 2011 13:56

I used to do a little more than sleep talk, a few years back my sister made the
mistake of trying to wake me up during it. I am told that i punched her tooth out... I
still never saw it though.

  • Re : Sleep talking

    05. 13. 2011 13:39

I sleep talk...of course one funny incident my mum tried to wake me up and in my sleep i
politely said to **** off and let me sleep.