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Royal Navy


  • armer

    05. 14. 2011 15:30

I have a question for all you high level RN guys.
What level should you start putting bulkhead armer on?

  • Re : armer

    05. 16. 2011 08:05

ok thanks guys

  • Re : armer

    05. 15. 2011 11:37

What^^ he said.

DO NOT PUT ANY BULKHEAD, if you don't want to blow your mind.

  • Re : armer

    05. 14. 2011 21:02

easy and simple answer!! dont put any on.. its kinda pointless your better off sticking
it on deck belt and bulge and save the space.. its only really needed if your planning on
a speed fit. but then you loose speed for the more weight you put on your ships so i
wouldnt bother with it.

apparently it allows you to take mroe damage before you loose the ability to overheat, and
the usefulness of overheat is determined by how many and how good and what level your
enies are.

then you have to try balance it out.. lots of engies and lots of wieght = not much
difference.. so lots of engies and less weight would mean more speed but cause you dont
have any bulqhead it means you can only take so much damg before you can no longer
overheat your engines. the more bulq the more dmg you can take before looseing overheat
or something like that.

i dont think many people use it. i dont. it weighs too much and the effect is nothing to
write home about. besides if your being hit by bb's your only going to take 1-2 hits
before your crippled anyways no matter how much overheat or engies you have. the bb5 and
bb6 players may take a few more hits. your better off with encumbering yourself with lots
of deck and bulge instead. and filling your sups with reps and engies.

just have a tinker and see which gives the best results for you :)

  • Re : armer

    05. 14. 2011 17:55

The arming of bulkhead is relatively minimal,
Even if it is armed, not alot of it is put at once.

  • Re : armer

    05. 14. 2011 16:51

Bulkhead armor isn't exactly light so you won't see people putting that on DD's, CL's and
CA's. If you do choose to ignore the weight, I suggest equipping it on BB3's at the
earliest. I've been told not to go crazy with bulkhead armor on CV's seeing as how Deck
and Bulge will probably be more important.