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  • Ammo resupply

    05. 17. 2011 02:20

Was just thinking of having a alpha resupply point and a bravo resupply point for
each map or maybe a dummy ammo ship going up and down the side. I'm not sure
but for subs running out of torps means you cant do anything else and for other
ships if you run out of shells...well your also basically screwed.

  • Re : Ammo resupply

    05. 23. 2011 15:27

Okay I will use ridiculous Fuso with 16" N with one bind of ammo and go back and reload

Also I will put 14" L on Kongo

  • Re : Ammo resupply

    05. 23. 2011 13:07

I suggest to use APA as Milk cow or merchant.
The supply ship for Graf Spee was the Atlmark, and other merchants from WW2 looks
like an APA.

  • Re : Ammo resupply

    05. 19. 2011 10:56

Obv wouldn't employ same kita ffictory tactics.. would torp from the bb line to avoid said

And hardly any BB5/6 can truely blockshot. just pseudo-.

  • Re : Ammo resupply

    05. 18. 2011 17:35

gonna train a kita driver then...

  • Re : Ammo resupply

    05. 18. 2011 14:09

this is a great idea, however there are far too many whiny players to impliment it. The
moment someone suggests it all you hear about is "WHAT ABOUT TW's?!?!?" as if they
couldn't use that over-bve'd BB5-6 crew to blockshot it..

  • Re : Ammo resupply

    05. 18. 2011 13:50

hmm *gets kita

  • Re : Ammo resupply

    05. 18. 2011 13:02

It would be interesting, if there was a nice ship line. The supply ship line from 1-4,
the higher the class the more supply you can put on such: BB's ammo, CV's ammo
and SS's ammo, basically this line earns same exp as submarines since this class is
not meant to be offensive or any significant defensive, it only delivery ammunition
toany ship that is in need. But it can also be like a bomb,if that ship is exploded next
to a capitol ship. The cons are: Bbs with the right weapons and right amming, you
shouldnt need a resuply.but the idea is interesting.

  • Re : Ammo resupply

    05. 17. 2011 03:39

this actually has been suggested before, but the idea is a good one
archText=ammo ships&Ctg_1=&Ctg_2=&Ctg_3=