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Soviet Navy


  • SN Sub line

    05. 19. 2011 10:42

Well i dont seem to see any active info on the subline any idea for best set up for a SN
sub crew

  • Re : SN Sub line

    05. 19. 2011 11:31

My SN SS4 Crew:

SS4 has 4 support slots:
Elite Potential - Classed on time Planesman - Under 10 Rookies, full expert, 100 vets
Elite Potential - Classed on time Sonarman - Under 10 Rookies, full expert, 100 vets
Elite Engineer - Classed on time - Under 10 Rookies, full expert, 100 vets
Elite Engineer - Classed on time - Under 10 Rookies, full expert, 100 vets

SS4 has 5 ship slots:
Elite Torpedo man - Classed on time - Under 10 Rookies, full expert, 100 vets
Elite Torpedo man - Classed on time - Under 10 Rookies, full expert, 100 vets
Elite Repairman - Classed on time (used in the R-slot) - Under 10 Rookies, full expert,
100 vets
Elite Repairman - Classed on time (used in the R-slot) - Under 10 Rookies, full expert,
100 vets
BO - I use base 14 or 15 (Boosted if you want to) - 0 rookies, 0 experts and 20

My thoughts to date on the SN SS4
Speed - Capped at 30/40 with EBVE Engy's +100 vets at level.
Torp Damage - Lowest of all 6 nations.
Torp Speed - Fast OMG Fast, 59 kts on fast setting.
Durability - Low, SD low, at level with 2 EBVE Reps +100 vets and have 564 SD and
cant take much shell damage.
Torp load out - 4 tube fore/2 tube aft, nothing crazy with good amount of loadout

IMO - SN SS4 plays like a US SS4. If all the nation subs had this durablity it would
make sub driving harder (not a bad thing to be honest). I look forward trying to run
a sub that can be damaged, it has made this a challenge.

  • Re : SN Sub line

    05. 19. 2011 10:58

as normal , 2torpers , 1sonar , 1planes , 1 or 2 enginers, i dont nkow if SN SS4 have 3 or
4 spaces