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  • Increase the amount of yellow sailors for newbies.

    05. 21. 2011 21:35

Due to seeing quite a few newer players being confused by the starting Yellow
sailors, I want improve upon that idea by adding and modifying a few more sailors.

Current yellow sailors you start with:
1x BO
2x Gunners
2x AA gunners
1x Repair
1x Restore
1x Engie
1x Scout

My reccomendation:
2x BO
2x Gunners
2x AA gunners
4x Repairs
4x Engies
2x "any purpose support" (11+ rep, 11+ res, 11+ engie)
1x Scout
2x Torpedo men (11+ torp)
2x Submariners (14+ potential, 1 named planesman the other named sonarman)
6x Fighters
4x Bombers
1x Seaman/medic (14+ pot, 10+ everything else)

The total adds up to 30 crew, and allows pretty much every possible setup with the
exception of some specialty CV/BB/SS setups.

I would also like to change the message (1 BO, 2 gunners, etc etc) to 1 BO, 2
Gunners, 2 AA gunners, a total of 8 support crew (reps+engies+restore), and 1

  • Re : Increase the amount of yellow sailors for newbies.

    05. 23. 2011 08:30

LJsevern is right. They should be +11 only in their specialty, and also NON TRADEABLE as
they are now.

If not trading will f___ up..

  • Re : Increase the amount of yellow sailors for newbies.

    05. 23. 2011 07:10

"Increase the amounts, but make them +11 in one stat, with 10's in the rest."

Why? That doesn't help anyone in any way..

Great idea, recc'd

  • Re : Increase the amount of yellow sailors for newbies.

    05. 23. 2011 06:06

Increase the amounts, but make them +11 in one stat, with 10's in the rest.

  • Re : Increase the amount of yellow sailors for newbies.

    05. 22. 2011 08:40

That might be really confusing for a new player if everything is given to him. If he
wants to start a BB, he might think that Torp, bombers, and sonarman would be
useful; or likewise for CV and SS.

I think when you first start an account, you can choose which package you want,
which includes the following:

1x BO
2x Gunners
2x AA Gunners
1x Scout
1x Repair
1x Engineer

1x BO
2x Gunners
1x Potential (Seaman/Medic)
2x Fighter
2x Bomber

1x BO
2x Torp
2x Potential (Sonar + Planes)
1x Enginner
1x Repair
1x Restore

With a total of 8 sailors in each. This is definitely not enough for a full crew, so they
will have to learn how to roll for sailors as well, but generic enough for any nation.

BTW, now that the servers have merged, can we be allowed a one time trade of
these sailors. I have an account that I didn't even know existed on the other server,
and now I have these sailors sitting in my HQ being useless.

  • Re : Increase the amount of yellow sailors for newbies.

    05. 22. 2011 07:21

SDE will never do this now that the premium started packs are out.

  • Re : Increase the amount of yellow sailors for newbies.

    05. 22. 2011 06:29

he can always dismiss the sailors he dosent plan to use, or he does have an HQ and
can store them there, till he is ready to use them

  • Re : Increase the amount of yellow sailors for newbies.

    05. 22. 2011 03:09

you might give them the chance to chose what set they want(BB/CV/SS), giving
some more supports or pilots for the specific job to prepare them better, flooding
them in sailors of all sorts is not the way imo.

  • Re : Increase the amount of yellow sailors for newbies.

    05. 22. 2011 01:13

...recc....if yellow sailors will be tradable... =P

  • Re : Increase the amount of yellow sailors for newbies.

    05. 21. 2011 22:06

reccomended but id like to also add that not all nations need AA gunners so maybe
have 2 sets of gunners for acc and reload, works better for UK based ships, and MN

maybe they can choose between 2 packages and a brief explanation on the 2 so the
player can choose it correctly