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  • DB bugs

    05. 22. 2011 08:12

Anyone have any solutions to:

- The manual target not setting even after clicking (it seems to happen more often when
you put the target on the ship)

- DBs randomly auto targeting random ships in the battle, without u telling them to. Ships
can be in the fog of war, its really quite strange.

  • Re : DB bugs

    05. 25. 2011 17:27

Arctic was telling me he has had this same problem in fleet chat today.

  • Re : DB bugs

    05. 22. 2011 16:37

I have noticed both of your problems with my Dive Bombers.

1. You cannot set a target right after setting one. That means that your bombers
must either change altitude, or direction in order to set a new manual target.
Otherwise, the 2nd time you set it just cancels the first so it doesn't set anything.

2. YES!!! It's really annoying! I have found that this only happens when your
bombers are being attacked by enemy fighters. When you set a manual target at the
same time as your bombers are being fired on, your bombers will automatically set a
auto target on the CV with those fighters. *This could be abused when trying to find
enemy CVs, more importantly flagships*. You should also realize that once your
bombers have auto targetted the enemy CVs, you cannot set a manual target unless
you change direction or altitude.

SDE needs to fix this to accomodate us BWs. :D


  • Re : DB bugs

    05. 22. 2011 12:11

No idea.

The first one happens to me also but off and on. Sometimes it will happen an average
of 2-3 times a battle for about a week.

Other times it won't happen at all and I have no problem with it.

Whenever it does happen though, it pisses me off because it usually happens when I
finalize my aim onto my target. The "manual bomb circle" doesn't set and the planes
just pass over my target. >.<

  • Re : DB bugs

    05. 22. 2011 10:54

Well, when it occurs, I know they head straight to another ennemy cv.....

I have never see a random target else than CV, maybe it's just karma for me.

  • Re : DB bugs

    05. 22. 2011 09:09

I've never had any of this happen to me while playing my CV, are you sure you had manual db on? If you
moved your planes with
rightclick you would have to turn it on again. Also the auto target mode has a wide area of effect, you
probably were navigating your planes and right clicked near a ship and targeted it.