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  • qusstions about KM moltke

    05. 23. 2011 03:02

i jsut play us bb/cv line , but since i have 18 pilots and it's a hard time for me to lv up.
(especially no good aa ship in us exp Brooklin)so i decided to play km bb line for aa.

now i'm training KM aa gunners, here are some questions i met.

1.what is the proper lv for the AA gunner to go up to moltke.

2.what is the probable gain(exp/credit/points) for a normal GB for moltke. many vets should aa gunners have or do they make a big difference?

4.what naval gun should i choose in moltke?

5.any idea about how the aa gunner be classed,on time or delay?

6.can the ship out of shell in a GB? (i have met numberous times using DDX aa)

thank you all~

  • Re : qusstions about KM moltke

    06. 03. 2011 05:08

1.what is the proper lv for the AA gunner to go up to moltke.
5.any idea about how the aa gunner be classed,on time or delay?

My comment: Don't delay class
with a standard classing of AA gunner,
I didn't even reach reload cap at 90 level with 140 vet.
after that, 3.46" AA gun seems to block shot "too much" make it hard to hit.
as I keep burning the experts, and change the BB FCS to SS FCS,
It was lucky for me as I did not delay class for more accuracy.
When I use these AA back onto Kaiser, the spread is still good.
listen, when the good fp cv scout your bb, they don't fly at golden angle. usually, it end
up fly-bies stay all over your head and you cannot aim

2.what is the probable gain(exp/credit/points) for a normal GB for moltke.
usually i get less that 10k to 30k per game with perm,
for less then 10k extra credit I get from hitting airplane.
This was the amount in old greatbattle.

--------------------------------------- many vets should aa gunners have or do they make a big difference?
unless you will use the 55Lv AA gun, 100vet I say ok.
And with the 120 level AA I say I don't like it(55Lv AA gun). too heavy (the ammo!),
too slow for 5x turrent per side, awful projectile, werid to hit manual bomber!

4.what naval gun should i choose in moltke?
HH if you use and give you bonus whenever you do damage to submarine.
If you use heavy turrent, you move slower and you may miss many chance to AA
you could use 1 front gunner with 2 HH, 1 engines in operator slot, leaving 6 remaining
slots for leeching

6.can the ship out of shell in a GB? (i have met numberous times using DDX aa)
seriously, this is a problem.


If its about fleet war or HA, its another story but it's out of topic

  • Re : qusstions about KM moltke

    05. 24. 2011 19:27


ok,i understand,thank you~

  • Re : qusstions about KM moltke

    05. 24. 2011 12:38

"18 US pilots!!!
Do you have too much time? or no other games to play? LOL"

I have 19 USN pilots

7 fighter
8 db
2 tb
2 scout


  • Re : qusstions about KM moltke

    05. 24. 2011 09:25

Or you start classing at lvl 50-60 something, and lvl him to 120. That way you also
won't be worried about accuracy .

It's an alternative.

  • Re : qusstions about KM moltke

    05. 24. 2011 09:24

Or you start classing at lvl 50-60 something, and lvl him to 120. That way you also
won't be worried about accuracy or reload.

  • Re : qusstions about KM moltke

    05. 24. 2011 08:40

i think i didn't make me understood.

i classed them from 12 to armed sailers, and classed them to aa gunners at lv
21.they should be class to rapid at lv 41, and you told me to stay as aa gunner as to
get acc(and i want it delayed too^^), so at what lv should i class them furtherly?

thank you~"

Don't class them further at all,leave them as AA Gunners all the way to lvl 120 :) Did i
clear that up?

  • Re : qusstions about KM moltke

    05. 24. 2011 06:08

If you want to do AA in GB I suggest getting rid of the 11'' kust since they weight a lot
and you will need that extra knots and turning force to AA properly.

A moltke can go at 39/61 if you strip him of armor and only leave the KM40 on R slots
and with only 1 engi. With full crew ofc.

  • Re : qusstions about KM moltke

    05. 24. 2011 05:47

serioulsly km AA class on time

  • Re : qusstions about KM moltke

    05. 24. 2011 01:57

well...i just been cheated by some one, so as to make up the lose, i deciced to sell
some of it at lv 100

  • Re : qusstions about KM moltke

    05. 24. 2011 01:50

i think i didn't make me understood.

i classed them from 12 to armed sailers, and classed them to aa gunners at lv
21.they should be class to rapid at lv 41, and you told me to stay as aa gunner as to
get acc(and i want it delayed too^^), so at what lv should i class them furtherly?

thank you~
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