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  • Problems with microsoft visual c + + DEBUG LIBRARY ASSERTION FAILED!!!!!

    05. 23. 2011 16:57

Debug library
debug assertion failed
Programs: D:jogos Instalados/NF/NavyFIELD.exe
File: dbgheap.c
line: 1044
Expression _CtrlsValidHeapPointer(pUserData)
For information on how your program can cause a assertion failure, see the visual C++
documentation asserts
(Press retry to debug the aplication)
Cancel Retry

....... in all opitions the NF close
i tried reinstal, NF and Visual c++ and last formated by the pc
but i still have this problem, can someone help me?

  • Re : Problems with microsoft visual c + + DEBUG LIBRARY ASSERTION FAILED!!!!!

    05. 25. 2011 18:47

thx defalt directory resolved.

  • Re : Problems with microsoft visual c + + DEBUG LIBRARY ASSERTION FAILED!!!!!

    05. 24. 2011 17:52


since c++ error is a freaking nightmare. it related with memory leak.(usually)
make the OS responsible for manage the Virtual memory. ( if its not already set)
try to get with a friend a spare memory module.
close all useless programs that is running in background.
close even explorer.( you can restart it later when you quit the game with run

reinstall as you saw just don't make a bloody difference

see if it work

  • Re : Problems with microsoft visual c + + DEBUG LIBRARY ASSERTION FAILED!!!!!

    05. 24. 2011 09:10

this may not help at all under any circumstances, but hey its navyfield anything can
happen. Have you tried installing the game to default directory
C:\Program Files\SD EnterNET etc.