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  • A Version guns (All Nations)

    05. 23. 2011 20:08

First off, some of you have seen this chart for years with just a few changes.

(Best way to view the overall final plan would be to click View > List, Show Colours and
Filter Column Q to Blank)

Basically, my idea was to focus each nation into a few more well rounded and balanced gun
sets. As it stands now, USN has the 3"70As and the 5"38As, UK has the RP10As and pompoms,
IJN has the 4.7As and 6.1As while KM has the 3.46s or KM40s. The MN and SN threw a small
wrench into the idea since they don't have to late-class gunners to keep reload ability
unlike USN, UK and IJN and unlike KM, their AA guns all have HE and AP shells (with the
exception of the MN 3.5s).

I am not that knowledgeable so the only tweaking tools I really thought to use would be
reload, turret weight, gun space and range (shell weight and/or muzzle velocity). However,
I have recently been told that the biggest way I was going to use to focus the nations,
removing AA shells or even whole A version turrets, wouldn't be possible because of
in-game coding conditions. Another issue was im-balancing lower level DDs and CLs that
would be using these guns as their main battery but I will explain how I wanted to avoid
this later.


The biggest problem with the USN guns isn't that the AA gunners have crappy reload growth,
it's that the A version guns have D range, or less, while reload gunners that aren't
gimped by ability have better accuracy and far greater range with also having better reload.

Since each gun set (3", 5" or 6") all have the same shell weight, simply matching muzzle
velocity should match the ranges for each caliber. My overall plan was for all BBs (except
pre-mod BB2s) to be able to use the 3"70s or 5"38s. The BB3s and BB4 could option for the
higher range but lower damage 5"38s and the BB5 and BB6 can use the highest range but
slowest reload 6"47s.

To make sure balance is kept, the A Version guns would forfeit HE and AP shells except for
the 'bread and butter' 5"38s (not that it matter but they are arguably the most famous and
effective DP guns historically) and that NLD guns will still have better reload and range.


It just made no sense to me that the 'worst' nation for AA has by far the most A Version
guns; and that most are in pairs of the same caliber. Simply axe-ing one of each pair
(which may not be possible) and focusing on the most used sets, the RP10s and pompoms with
the Dunkirk guns being more usable.


Like UK, IJN had oddly paired guns. The only major changes would be to the 6.1 triples
maximum angle so that using them on the larger T slots on the Yamato and Super Yamato
would no longer limit the higher arcs of the 4.7s.


In a way, nerfs all around for KM. Most desperate would be to hit the 4.1As with the nerf
stick until their eyes bleed. Basically get them off the Emden entirely and lower their
damage enough so that the Moltke doesn't completely dominate 75% of the viewable screen.
Next biggest change would be the Andrea Doria secondary battery. It is arguably the best
PBB, it shouldn't have the best AA suite as well. Change the range of it's AA guns to
match the 3.46s and change the 5.3" triples, that go on the bigger T slots, so people
actually can use them.


Much like KM in a way, just get the f***** 3.5s of the ****ing Le Emden entirely and slow
the Le Moltke down a bit more when it is running AA only. However, the Le Emden would need
a new AA guns so I thought using the worst of the multiple 5.1" duals and changing it into
a dedicated AA guns by removing HE and AP ammo. These guns will still make the Le Emden
and Le Moltke more effective than the current 4.1" mounted KM counter parts but still less
ridiculous than the MN 3.5s are. The Le Dunkirk AA guns also get a similar tweak to their
UK sisters.


The 3.9" Minizinis and 5.1 SD-2s are great just as they are. I levelled my SN crew by AA
whoring the ECL with both of their turrets and they are beautiful. The change that I am
not sure about is the 6" duals. The Svetlana is the only ship that can use these guns but
not the 6" triples. I don't see the Svetlana being unbalanced or over powered as either a
gunship or AAship because the Chapayev already has more range, higher damage, better
spread, faster speed and an extra crew slot while being lower level and with lower level
guns (the 6" B38 triples).

A few things; like I said before, this may not even be possible so it could all be for
naught. I was asked to compile a list and a method to determine ranges but I think my idea
cheats around needing that by matching shell weight and velocity rather than " Hood < X at
35 degrees & 1050 kg < Bismarck". I know ignorantly playing with velocity and weight is
playing with fire, however the only times velocity changes are needed, those guns I want
to match ranges already have equal shell weight. The only cases when shell weights have to
be changed, those guns don't have HE shells so possible damage and armour penetration
inconsistencies shouldn't be relevant.

Please, if people could give their thoughts and opinions, I would be grateful. I have
really tried to be thorough about this but I can't have thought of everything.


Minor Language Fix - Deadeye
And again by Angus725

  • Re : A Version guns (All Nations)

    05. 23. 2011 23:57

Im agree with the MN part.

  • Re : A Version guns (All Nations)

    05. 23. 2011 22:37

High number of AA guns =/= good AA

  • Re : A Version guns (All Nations)

    05. 23. 2011 20:53

Just my two bits, I highly disapprove of this suggestion. I've AA'ed in all nations and
each of them can be usable in their nation specific settings. Also nerfing KM anymore
would just be stomping on the poor nations grave. I'd go into detail nation by nation etc
but I'm sure someone else will.