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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • ijn cv

    05. 27. 2011 09:46

which ijn cv line is the better one

  • Re : ijn cv

    05. 30. 2011 01:48

Hosho line is easier but Junyo line have great ship sprites :D

  • Re : ijn cv

    05. 29. 2011 06:51

-.- they both end at shinano

  • Re : ijn cv

    05. 28. 2011 10:23

Both lines are awesome because I have done both but the Akagi line is a lot easier to
grind if you have no patience

  • Re : ijn cv

    05. 28. 2011 05:35

Shinano line is best

  • Re : ijn cv

    05. 28. 2011 05:15

Hosho line
- each cv got small level gap to each other
- the only cv line in ijn that got remod (Akagi and Kaga)
- low plane space vs junyo line(except for the remods)

Junyo Line
- started as cv2 class
- higher durability except the shokaku vs kaga 1935
- more plane space vs hosho line
- large level gap

  • Re : ijn cv

    05. 28. 2011 04:41

most people think the ryujo is easiest, because you can use your pilots earlier on
(you get you'r cv about 15 lvl's earlier), otherwise you'll have to grind your combat
ship with pilots on support, thus not boosting any combat ability.

also there are more cv types in the ryujo, which makes the line more enjoyable.