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U.S Navy


  • New Orleans or Portland?

    05. 29. 2011 19:22

whats the difference?

  • Re : New Orleans or Portland?

    06. 02. 2011 09:47

i blame the hobbit map....and me being too lazy to get another uk blitz crew

  • Re : New Orleans or Portland?

    06. 01. 2011 21:05

Bounce every nation except for UK 8" high anglers, but that's rare nowadays.

  • Re : New Orleans or Portland?

    06. 01. 2011 12:17

New Orleans

  • Re : New Orleans or Portland?

    05. 31. 2011 16:10

You go ahead and belt whore and I will keep my range and land shots on your deck. ;)

  • Re : New Orleans or Portland?

    05. 31. 2011 15:58

NO with 12 inches of belt in blitz, really hurts them. Gives plenty of time to get 40k attack.

Death by a million scratchs

  • Re : New Orleans or Portland?

    05. 29. 2011 22:38

New Orleans is better by alot. Its got abit more DP, its alot faster, and more
displacement. More displacement gives it the ability to armor whore and still use CA guns.
Meaning you can fit enough deck to bounce every nation's CA guns at max angle but it will
slow you down.

My setup with a lower level crew is Mark 14n guns (portland uses Ls with abit more range
but NO gets 6 binds with Ns), CV engine (51-53 knots), and 5 T4 scouts. Use .2 belt and a
small amount of bulge but not enough to lose much speed.

In blitz I used 2 engy 2 gunners and a scout only.

To properly armor it use the 8" Mark 14ns on the front slots only, the DD3 engine, and as
much deck as you can fit.

  • Re : New Orleans or Portland?

    05. 29. 2011 20:54

Portland has barely more gun and torp space, unsure of the other differences.