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  • TeamNF Communication

    10. 25. 2005 10:24

In another thread, Rogerborg wrote-

"babs, it's reassuring that this is on the list of 10,000 issues that Team NF are "looking into", but you know what would be more re-assuring? If they actually published that list as issue tickets, much as professional MMOG games developers and in fact any sort of tech support do, with indications of priority and estimated times to fix.

It seems that we're drowning in lists of things that are being "looked into". In my opinion, this is one the most major issue. What assurance do I have that it's being given the priority that it deserves?"

This is by far the one thing that concerns me the most about this game. How hard would it be for TeamNF to actually post the list of things being worked on, their priorities, give estimated time of completion, and update it weekly? I know that we occasionally hear about what the next patch is working on, but updates are few and far between. Why do you have to get second hand info from the mods when it would be so easy for TeamNF to tell us directly?

What does everyone else think about this issue?

  • Re : TeamNF Communication

    10. 25. 2005 15:01

Anything is better than the total lack of easy to access info that we currently have.

  • Re : TeamNF Communication

    10. 25. 2005 10:53

Under the navigation bar on the left of this site under Game Info they need to add some links about the progress of the game. I recommend 3 links.

Recent Updates - Archive of past patch notes along with the current one.
Upcoming Updates - The patch notes of the next patch coming out (keep it updated)
Developers Corner - Idea and things in the future they plan on doing. (long term goals)

What do you think?

  • Re : TeamNF Communication

    10. 25. 2005 10:42

Bads, I'm glad that somebody is keeping track of these fixes. However, why didn't either TeamNF or you post this info somewhere where it is readily visible. Would you have provided this information if I didn't make this thread? Also, what is being worked on now, why not make a section of the website devoted to this kind of information and actually keep it updated weekly?

Additionally, only one of the fixes addresses the game. The rest are just website issues. TeamNF is expecting customers to pay for the game, not the website, so it should receive more of their attention.

  • Re : TeamNF Communication

    10. 25. 2005 10:39

mmm i keep the list compiled of all the complaints issues bugs i get.

So far the following has been fixed in the recent days:

FIXED (forum index button added) - forum navigation is too hard. There needs to be more submenu's to browse the forums
FIXED - ?*unable to upload avatar.
FIXED - *logos remove mod name, thus you cant see which mod posts what.
FIXED - *babs need teamNF forum logo.
FIXED - jap AA bug :p
FIXED - unable to change email adress at account.
FIXED - mods have the power to edit and delete posts which automatically deducts points from the specific user.

babs out!

  • Re : TeamNF Communication

    10. 25. 2005 10:34

Yes, good idea. They could have a weekly post in the 'Game News' section. Just something that lets us all know that they are still alive. Imagine how such a notice about their being unavailable that week they came to the US last month (to set up offices). They should also speak, at least a little bit, on the issues raised in this forum and whether anything is being considered, being implemented, or just impossible.

No offense to the mods, but hearing things second hand from them does not always cut it. I think, from the way things get bandied about, that the information they receive is filtered by the mods, as well. That is not a good communication model. Now the cultural rift may also be a contributing factor but they still need to read what we write, first hand, and reply in kind.