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U.S Navy


  • What is the "glass jaw" for the the North Carolina?

    06. 05. 2011 00:14

Everybody keeps talking about the North Carolina's "glass jaw" and I can't seem to find a
good description of what it is. They keep referring to the SD of the ship which I take to
mean the soft defense whatever that is. If someone could explain this weakness to me in
lay man's terms, I would be extremely grateful because I'm only two levels away from
getting this ship.

  • Re : What is the

    06. 06. 2011 17:37

The NC's glass jaw has nothing to do with SD.

  • Re : What is the

    06. 06. 2011 07:39

"All of the early US BBs, especially the alaska/guam suffer from the "glass jaw". As
stated above, even with 900 SD (cap), these ships are very easy to sink. A good
start would to be look up some information on submergence. "

This is true of most lower tier BBs, I would not say especially the alaska and guam.

  • Re : What is the

    06. 05. 2011 22:24

It has the worst shell damage resistance of all the BB3's.

  • Re : What is the

    06. 05. 2011 22:11

44knts mega, i use him today with a fat crew (lv 118)

  • Re : What is the

    06. 05. 2011 15:49

you were also asking about soft defense?

Think of it like shields in other games. It goes away but comes back. Once its drained,
you start taking hits to your health.

Restore Sailors and Sailors with high restore ability (like your repairs and engineers)
contribute to largely SD. It is the number in your armor window somewhere in the
hundreds and the cap is 900.

  • Re : What is the

    06. 05. 2011 15:40


The higher the value, the more damage a ship takes from the same shells.

Rejoice that we've finally cracked the submergence/APHC formula, we will be fixing the
NC's glass jaw when the next BB3 project comes...

  • Re : What is the

    06. 05. 2011 10:21

All of the early US BBs, especially the alaska/guam suffer from the "glass jaw". As
stated above, even with 900 SD (cap), these ships are very easy to sink. A good
start would to be look up some information on submergence.

  • Re : What is the

    06. 05. 2011 00:42

its not about the soft defense.

glass jaw just means the ship cant take as much damage (breaks easily), kinda like the KM
ships, even with maximum soft defense - fragile!.

still a fun ship to drive tho. the NorCar guns do more dmg than the iowa guns. But they
do have erratic spread. If i remember correctly, i was able to get it to go 44 or 45
knots with a fat crew (probably 44), which is still fast. so dont get hit.

putting the sodak guns on the norcar is pretty fun too