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Royal Navy


  • KGV guns?

    06. 05. 2011 08:24

What gun should i use for KGV? My gunners are now lv72.

  • Re : KGV guns?

    06. 11. 2011 12:20

only the N ones blocks though, range = bb1 (?)

  • Re : KGV guns?

    06. 11. 2011 11:23

14s. Block-shooting demons. Short range so be warned.

  • Re : KGV guns?

    06. 06. 2011 04:11

Thanks. I can't wait to use the 14" Quad

  • Re : KGV guns?

    06. 05. 2011 21:46

14" quad and dual N is at lvl 75

  • Re : KGV guns?

    06. 05. 2011 17:05

with the 14inche Ds you can out good armour(front turrets only) but with good engies POW
and KGV are rushing gods much?

  • Re : KGV guns?

    06. 05. 2011 14:47

first of all you can find sufficient information here.

Kgv is a nice ship, at the moment you can use lvl64 rp12L , you can mount lots of deck
armour on it. (around 10 or 11, i can not remember.)

I think at lvl 74 you can use quads N, it is a powerful gun with less range. you may
suffer in great battle if you rush enemy bb's while there is planes around you.