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  • NFbuilder - ship/crew/sailors calculator by sk_bismarck

    06. 06. 2011 11:18

Hi I would like to share with you my xls file for some basic navyfield calculations:

NFbuilder v2.20EN

Download link:


NFbuilder contain sheets:

1. MySailor - list of all sailors which you can add to thi list your sailors with
their abilities. This sailor you can choose in Crewbuilder

2. CrewBuilder - sheet for calculation for ship crew for ship what you choose from the
list. There is some basic calculation like SD, OH time, Repair rate, burn rate, Sonar
range etc.

3. SailorBulder - this sheet is for simulation classing can simulate sailor
classing with variable vets, experts, rookies, boosted or non boosted, with different
bases etc...

4. Ship level and sailor - sheet where you can find how many experience get your
sailor on ship with different can compare 5 ships and find ship where
leveling your sailors is most effectively (e.g. sometime is better to use ship with less
% but with more slots for sailors)

5. ShipsCompare - you can compare basic characteristic for 8 ships

6. AircraftCompare - datas for aircraft

7. BombCompare - datas for bomb

I dont have full (or some data could be old one) data for ships/planes but I hope that
you could enjoy it and will be helpfull for you. If you find some mistakes or have idea
for improvement you can PM me.


some screens:


  • Re : NFbuilder - ship/crew/sailors calculator by sk_bismarck

    06. 07. 2011 13:25

whoa I feel dizzy :o

  • Re : NFbuilder - ship/crew/sailors calculator by sk_bismarck

    06. 07. 2011 11:55

I never try it in Open Office but with my experience maybe some formula will not work
and some formats... but you can try it and give me feedback. ;)

  • Re : NFbuilder - ship/crew/sailors calculator by sk_bismarck

    06. 07. 2011 11:10

Would this run in Open Office?

  • Re : NFbuilder - ship/crew/sailors calculator by sk_bismarck

    06. 07. 2011 09:50


I personaly simulate my future crews before I started them... And there is some others
usefull calculation for me too an some usefull ship, planes data.

@all thanks (@spenat diky moc, budem sa sna엍t hehe =) )

  • Re : NFbuilder - ship/crew/sailors calculator by sk_bismarck

    06. 07. 2011 08:30

This is great! What exactly do you do with it?..

  • Re : NFbuilder - ship/crew/sailors calculator by sk_bismarck

    06. 07. 2011 02:40

cau , davam recc.
Si asi jeden z naj uzitocnejsich slovakov v NFku :) len tak dalej :)

  • Re : NFbuilder - ship/crew/sailors calculator by sk_bismarck

    06. 06. 2011 22:11

Wow...if this dose half of what it seems its amasing...