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  • Does it bother any other CV player when...

    06. 09. 2011 14:41

...When your bombers are ALMOST to their target.. in a nice tight pattern... only to
have them TURN BACK within seconds of bombing... for lack of fuel? Thus throwing
them out of their tight grouping and causing a delay giving the target, and any
nearby fighters, extra time to take notice and enable defensive measures?

I. Hate. That.


  • Re : Does it bother any other CV player when...

    06. 09. 2011 23:04

Thank local fighters...

  • Re : Does it bother any other CV player when...

    06. 09. 2011 22:55

Similarly annoying as scouts chasing the first aircraft in sight.

  • Re : Does it bother any other CV player when...

    06. 09. 2011 22:48

^^ You obviously dont play CV...

  • Re : Does it bother any other CV player when...

    06. 09. 2011 22:24

no not at all it bothers me how quick cv can load bombers now and stack em
because they have to much fuel!!

  • Re : Does it bother any other CV player when...

    06. 09. 2011 14:50

Not as much as ss bother me

  • Re : Does it bother any other CV player when...

    06. 09. 2011 14:46

Annoying? Yes.

Gonna be fixed? Highly Unlikely.

You could use the Manual DB function to keep them nice and tight so they don't
disperse,but TB's are pretty much screwed...