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  • How soon can I start get tight group shots?

    06. 10. 2011 17:59

How soon can I start get tight group shots? What's the quickest route? Which nation, guns, ships?

I don't want to block shot, I just want to be able to engage a ship at long range without my shots
going all over the place. So I would just like to know, how soon would I start getting nice tight group
shots and what do I need to get it?


  • Re : How soon can I start get tight group shots?

    06. 10. 2011 22:02

The higher the true ability of accuracy on your gunners are the tighter the spread on
the gunfire will be.

Also use the FCS with the highest accuracy revision. Manual makes tighter group
shots because you can cross your guidelines to target one spot.

  • Re : How soon can I start get tight group shots?

    06. 10. 2011 20:28

It depends on the level of the gun. Assuming your experts (white bar on your sailor) hasnt
died, you can expect spread to be a little more nicer and dependable anywhere from 6-15
levels above the gun, less if your crew has more experts (white) or veterans (green)

Nice websites with guides for begginers: (I highly recommend this one)