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  • D-Day LAND- Sea RTS

    06. 11. 2011 07:26

Thats right im suggesting a more interactive land based component to NAVY
FIELD :D Call me crazy but what does your landing and airlift force do while you
grind? NOTHING!!! So why not have a d-day style map where you can pit landing
force against landing force (or airlift) , ships ( bb-1-6, apa, etc) bombarding coastal
defenses or delivering troops. It will be an invasion force vs. people who want to
man coastal artillery, home ships, aa guns, planes, etc.

  • Re : D-Day LAND- Sea RTS

    06. 11. 2011 19:02

A. erad you = killjoy
B. same concept, different details :p
C. ha is for fleets every so often, yes they are working on HA game room but this will
be alot more fun

  • Re : D-Day LAND- Sea RTS

    06. 11. 2011 11:52

It's called HA and it's been suggested at least 10 times

  • Re : D-Day LAND- Sea RTS

    06. 11. 2011 08:27

I agree....recommended.....

Landing Force, and Parachute Sailors are in in HA, just BB6 are used to take
port facilities.....not fanny.

Very good suggest..