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  • Please stop nerfing SS1, 2, and 3.

    06. 12. 2011 12:26

Title says it all. Stop nerfing ss1,2, and 3. they are slower than a BB as it is, and they
have enough air to hide underwater for 1 minute, till they pop up and get blown to bits.
Stop nerfing them, and give the 1 and 2 some buffs. As it is the grind is simply
excrutiatingly painfull and the reward is minimal. SS1 and 2 cant even make it halfway
across no mans land before running out of air and getting oneshooted by some enemy
BB1 that is bored.

  • Re : Please stop nerfing SS1, 2, and 3.

    06. 12. 2011 17:44

I'm playing my ship wrong I want it easier to leach exp.

  • Re : Please stop nerfing SS1, 2, and 3.

    06. 12. 2011 17:11

SS1-SS2 shouldnt be a Rushing submarine, they are more defensive submarine. By
choosing your targets, should be by defending from enemy subs, or incoming
Your speed its also a very important key, if you dont have a decent key, you may not
get that much attack, the level 59 km, its a km ss3, i believe submarines are
Underleveled, and they need to redone with higher levels, Km its the easy mode sub
of all of them, if you cant hit anything with Km, then you have a problem with
aimming.Before posting threads about "stop nerfing subs" try checking your crew,
maybe thats your main problem. try checking


thoses can make a big difference, at the time your sailor progress.

  • Re : Please stop nerfing SS1, 2, and 3.

    06. 12. 2011 16:51

"SS1 and 2 cant even make it halfway across no mans land before running out of air and
getting oneshooted by some enemy BB1 that is bored."

>Hitting anything


  • Re : Please stop nerfing SS1, 2, and 3.

    06. 12. 2011 15:30

Quite the idiot we have here. IJN ss2 is at 48, and that can destroy any bb1, 2 and
most 3s. The ijn SS3 is at 62, and that can omnom anything if you play it smart.

The KM ss2 is at 46. Lower than a bb1, mind you. It is fast enough to make it to the
other side of the map with some air, and with that small amount of air and 4 torps it
can destroy a bb1 in one salvo.

The km ss3 is at 59 (lower than bb2s) and can not only kill bb1-3, but it can get
across fast enough to take out anything but bb6s.

ANY ss1 can go underwater. If a bb1 rushes with its teammates south, the ss1 can
dive and move towards it. The bb1 rushes straight into the ss1, and the ss1 takes
out the bb1 and the ise that was with it.

I dont have the other nations subs so no comments, but i imagine they must be
similar. But i dont need to. Point has been proven. The fact that youre saying the
level of the SS3 (59) is lower than a bb1 (54) is stupid. Its a bb1. Of course its lower
than a tier 3 of something else. But even still, an ss2 is lower level than a bb1 and it
destroys bb3s.

Also, as a side note: What the hell are you talking about? Whos nerfing ss1-3...?

  • Re : Please stop nerfing SS1, 2, and 3.

    06. 12. 2011 15:06

less than bb1? i beg your pardon, since when is lvl 59 less than level 54. you have your
levels mixed up. and ss1 and 2 cant compete with bb1 at their current nerfed level. nice
try. 54 comes BEFORE 59

  • Re : Please stop nerfing SS1, 2, and 3.

    06. 12. 2011 12:55

Why should a ship which is less than BB1 level be able to compete with a BB1?

I don't expect my CL to compete with a BB1 so why exactly should subs? The point of SS12
is to play intelligently, you don't just RUSHRUSHRUSH because then you die. You have to
select your target carefully or you will not get any attack. Much like in a CL.