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  • Selling points to the market

    10. 25. 2005 11:47

Everyone probably has this problem, where you have only about 26k something credits and about 700k points, and you need more credits, but nobody is buying points.

How about an option to trade points to an "artificial" market?

I mean you can click on your points/credits on the bottom right of the screen, and a window opens up saying: "How many points/credits do you want to sell?" You put in how much of each you want to trade and it pays you in creds/pts based on the market value.

Saves you time from having to find someone to trade points with and even possibly eliminating the whole point/credit trade rooms all together.

  • Re : Selling points to the market

    10. 25. 2005 13:47

I like the idea, but there is both good and bad. good is that you can get ride( or im guessing also buy) points, yet tyson said people would take advantage of it, and it might lose its fun ness

  • Re : Selling points to the market

    10. 25. 2005 13:37

yea right like thats ever gonna happen, and if id did everyone would have everything armor ammo all that stuff... the game wouldnt be challenging anymore