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  • Increase the creds for shooting down planes w/ fighters

    10. 25. 2005 12:27

it's almost not even worth it to use fighters, I say that NF should up the creds that are given when planes are shot down.

  • Re : Increase the creds for shooting down planes w/ fighters

    10. 25. 2005 15:04

Fighters can make you 5000 credits in a good battle. Why does this need to be any higher?

  • Re : Increase the creds for shooting down planes w/ fighters

    10. 25. 2005 14:28

I make great creds with my fighters for shooting down Bombers and other fighters. TB are 60-200 a pop, DB are 120-240 a pop and fighters are all above 250 I belive. You might be shooting down scouts, they are only worth 20 or so unless one is a Rufe

  • Re : Increase the creds for shooting down planes w/ fighters

    10. 25. 2005 14:28

The purpose of fighters is not to gain credits, it is to protect your dive and torp bombers, and to protect your CV from their dive and torp bombers.

If you want credits don't wast your time with the fighters, train bombers.

  • Re : Increase the creds for shooting down planes w/ fighters

    10. 25. 2005 13:45

shooting down planes isnt really for the creds... you should be happy that TNF even gives you creds for shooting them down.

shooting down planes is so the enemy cant see you therefore you have an advantage therefore you getting exp and creds you see?

thats of course saying your team also has planes and hasnt been shot down, but if so no one has an advantage and from ther eon its about skill and what kind of ship you have