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  • Add some randomness

    10. 25. 2005 18:39

I think what would make this game more realistic would be random OCCASIONAL equipment malfunctions (I.e. the engines stop running for 10 secs, or a plane loses a prop and goes flying into the ocean). This would make the game a lot more interesting, and sometimes really funny if a BB is suddenly shut down and a dd is able to inflict some damage :)

You know, like 1 gun jams for three rounds, then is fixed by crew. And the repair process could depend on skill or repairer

  • Re : Add some randomness

    10. 25. 2005 19:33

I suppose, but i am only saying one gun at a time, or a ten second interval when your ship slows down or something. It wouldn't last.

  • Re : Add some randomness

    10. 25. 2005 18:42

Other games have tried this, and honestly, it is generally annoying. Sure, it's realistic, but imagine playing a game of AA, then BOOM your gun locks up on you. GG you lose (not very fun, eh?)