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  • NF Bank

    10. 26. 2005 03:27

how about a bank in NF where you can deposit credits and earn interest or take out
a loan for that new ship or some armour for it. to prevent exploiting the bank the
loaned credits could be made untradable. and credits to be loaned on an equity
basis where you can only be loaned up to the value of you current ships if they were
sold/creds you already have lying around. if weekly/monthly repayments are missed
then the bank could reposess your ships/put them under an 'impoundment'. an NF
bank would be a great feature to help get players into better ships, and people with
better ships are having more fun which =more paying customers for TNF.

  • Re : NF Bank

    10. 27. 2005 14:25

It's called a STOCK MARKET...not a share market. And a bank does sound like a pretty good

  • Re : NF Bank

    10. 27. 2005 09:30

If people didn't pay up or missed their monthly payment, the ship would be
reposessed by the bank and sold. The user would have no ability to sell or trade the
hull that is not paid in full for. This feature would enable players to play in ships of
their BO level and reduce the grind a bit.

  • Re : NF Bank

    10. 27. 2005 08:39

Oh yea, one more thing, they don't need a bank, they could have a trading room and just
set up the framework, to guarantee people don't get shafted. This way you could even have
floating interest rates and stuff!

  • Re : NF Bank

    10. 27. 2005 08:38

I remember now;

no-one would pay up! everyone would be in debt

  • Re : NF Bank

    10. 27. 2005 08:37

bank would be awesome. But I hate banks. Confused.

  • Re : NF Bank

    10. 27. 2005 05:23

But of course, with a lvl limitation and a cash limitation

  • Re : NF Bank

    10. 27. 2005 04:27

Hmmm, did you say share market? Thats another idea right there. We can invest our
money in public clans, thus they get the free ships and we get say 5% of their
earnings LOL Now tie this with NF Bank you we got ourselves a brand new game :)

  • Re : NF Bank

    10. 26. 2005 05:45

this isn't the share market its a game. this idea will not get any where....

  • Re : NF Bank

    10. 26. 2005 05:16

that will be cool if you can get a loan but you got to repay it back in a certain of
days. I dont know you got a good idea but it would be to much ppl thats gona loan
then teamNF cant keep it under controle then.
But like if you can do like deposit your money in the bank you can earn more by
buying shares from the market (or something like that)


  • Re : NF Bank

    10. 26. 2005 05:07

smart idea, too bad NF will never make it happen cause they are lazy or understaffed