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  • Warning for friendly fire against planes!!!!!

    10. 26. 2005 05:52

Okay this is my complaint of the week. I am heavily into the planes right now...and
the problem I am having is that AA whores on my own team dont care about my
fighters trying to protect the fleet. So they shoot down my planes trying to shoot
down the ones my planes are chasing down to kill!!! This is BS and anyone that
shoots down friendly planes should pay for the planes they shoot down....I should
also not lose any vets or experts for their stupidity in firing on my planes. All I have
to say is WTF?!!....Or else give the guy who is damaging my planes a warning in
game that he is hitting a friendly plane...cuz I want to scream my head off but am
too busy to tell them to HOLD YOUR FIRE!!!!!. TEAM NF PLEASE HELP!!!

  • Re : Warning for friendly fire against planes!!!!!

    10. 28. 2005 00:30

I try to avoid shooting down friendlys, but I often try 'trick shots' to shoot around
friendly planes at the enemy, and sometimes this fails x)

Some kind of warning might help for newbie AAers. Perhaps there could be a small penalty
as well...?

  • Re : Warning for friendly fire against planes!!!!!

    10. 28. 2005 00:24

therattler dont get it...Im asking for at least a warning to the player shooting
down friendly aircraft so he knows.

  • Re : Warning for friendly fire against planes!!!!!

    10. 27. 2005 23:29

Frendly fire happend in real life so let it be.

  • Re : Warning for friendly fire against planes!!!!!

    10. 27. 2005 23:24

word, I can tell guys how often they're shooting my planes along w/ the enemies...or
sometimes they'll think it's funny to take out the whole flight of planes... I LOVE it
when they take out all my TBs on I agree there has to be something done
about this :)

  • Re : Warning for friendly fire against planes!!!!!

    10. 27. 2005 13:20

deepwater is one of the players that deserves extra points for not shooting down
friendly planes. Team NF give him a reward and ban friendly plane killers. JUST
KIDDING. But seriously there needs to be a warning sound you hear when you are
hitting friendly planes and YOU should pay for friendly planes you kill.

  • Re : Warning for friendly fire against planes!!!!!

    10. 27. 2005 01:45

As a general rule, I don't do AA since I'm usually more concerned about the location
of the enemy ships. I do make a point to determine whether an aircraft is Friend or
Foe before engaging it though.

  • Re : Warning for friendly fire against planes!!!!!

    10. 27. 2005 01:19

You can't justify losing vets or experts on pilots from friendly fire...cuz everyone
else whines about losing their vets/experts. Leave it to my fighters to defend bb
and they will do their job...if you shoot my planes...THEY DIE AND CANT DEFEND. so
dont ask dumb questions. Its not on accident when YOU CAN SEE THE
PLANES...youre one of the guys shooting down friendly planes arent you? Or you
just like arguing with people with good ideas?

  • Re : Warning for friendly fire against planes!!!!!

    10. 26. 2005 17:25

What would you rather... Have your teams BB get DBed 4 times? Or have 2 of your fighters
killed? Team AAing is generally on accident.

  • Re : Warning for friendly fire against planes!!!!!

    10. 26. 2005 17:21

I've also had my scouts shot down. AA boats shoudn't be shooting at planes when they are
engaged with each other

  • Re : Warning for friendly fire against planes!!!!!

    10. 26. 2005 13:42

Though I dont have a CV for my fighters I too have my scouts knocked out from
friendly AA whores. My plane will be doing one of the following then get knocked out
from friends as they either mistake my plane as the enemy or try to shoot the

1, be taking off and start going towards the enemy

2, trying to be a fighter above friendly ships

3, coming in for a landing.

This has happened to me quite a lot... However the thing I am most upset about
with my scouts going down into the drink is when he thinks he is Pappy Boyington
and goes to the north forty to fight an enemy just to turn back and find out he
doesn't have enough fuel.... That frustrates me to no end...
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