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  • Different ways to gain exp and points on forum

    10. 26. 2005 07:37

Why the exp and points are given for posts? This is so obvious: to let the forum
spammers prevail! I think those exp and points should be given by something
related to the game, not to forum.


  • Re : Different ways to gain exp and points on forum/Lottery

    10. 26. 2005 13:06

What the heck is the Lottery for?

  • Re : Different ways to gain exp and points on forum

    10. 26. 2005 12:55

I wouldnt worry about it, SD will probably change this whole forum point scheme or
do away with it completly. Just think, in order to play the lottery you have to be a
LvL 11 in forums right? and you need at least 50 points right? Lets say you have
both of those requirements satisfied (Which noone does) you still have to pick the
the *correct* six numbers in *order* to win.

LOL!!!! Thats like playing a state lottery, what are the odds. . .

  • Re : Different ways to gain exp and points on forum

    10. 26. 2005 11:40

well since the points you get here are only used for the "lottery" which you will
never win anyway, then it really doesn't matter then does it? oh by the way i just
got another point :-P

  • Re : Different ways to gain exp and points on forum

    10. 26. 2005 07:41

yeah to the people that actually stay through the whole op convoy even though
they lose