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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Armor/Gun Outfitting of a Agano

    10. 26. 2005 08:26

Ok So I have a lvl 35 BO, lvl 35 gunners, level 20ish torp guys and a few rookie pilots
and am now using the agano.

My question is what should I be using as guns (right now its the triple 6.1") but I can
get the 7.9" guns (although they seem a bit heavy and con only carry 2 binds of ammo.

Also should I be using armor? Everyone says that Jap armor sucks and not to use it but I
feelt hat a CL should have something... Let me know what you guys have found out from EXP.

I would just mess with these things but it costs a lot of credits to change stuff and well
that seems a waste when someone here may have already made that mistake.


  • Re : Armor/Gun Outfitting of a Agano

    10. 30. 2005 00:06

Unarmored. DD/CL = arm torps.

The ship sucks, so don't expect much out of it.

  • Re : Armor/Gun Outfitting of a Agano

    10. 29. 2005 01:36

Use the 7.9s, they are better, i think. Their only problem is the low ammo supply, as
u poited out yourself.

If your gunners are good, use light ammo, my gunners were useless so i went for
heavy back in my Agano days. (light won't do too much damage to close-cruising

I think it is worthless to use armour on your agano, go for higher speed instead and
try to keep DDs at bay. (withdaw with covering fire until torps reload, it is a good
tactics for the Agano)

Always try not to be the first in the line - the Agano is fat and has no armour at all,
so ask people to be in front of u or maneuver to make it happen - you can be slightly
behind with the superior range of the 7.9s.

Good luck

  • Re : Armor/Gun Outfitting of a Agano

    10. 27. 2005 13:35

kudos to the agano user

its a wonder people still plays agano in face of all the new dds

  • Re : Armor/Gun Outfitting of a Agano

    10. 27. 2005 10:48

Good, and always remember that Jap armor is horrible, so you need to always(if
possible) keep someone between you and the enemy while fighting, or just stay out
of their range.

  • Re : Armor/Gun Outfitting of a Agano

    10. 27. 2005 05:11

I switched after playing a lot lastnight to the 7.9 they are the better option. I was
using the normal shell but will try out the light ones.

i am getting better with the plane


  • Re : Armor/Gun Outfitting of a Agano

    10. 27. 2005 05:05

"My problem with range is that my bo' s los is about 2 or 3" too short. I can have the
plane hang out there but its not so easy keeping it where it needs to be.

what is it about the 7.9 that makes it better? range/damage? what about spread
with 3 less shells?


Same thing with my BO, you learn to deal with it. And you need to learn to control
the plane, It is extremely important when you hit CA.

7.9 have more range and damage with light than 6.1 with heavy, the spread isnt all
that bad, you should be able to hit with at least 2 out of 6 shells each time with low
lvl gunners.

  • Re : Armor/Gun Outfitting of a Agano

    10. 26. 2005 09:44

I kept my tsukeki for that very reason.

My problem with range is that my bo' s los is about 2 or 3" too short. I can have the
plane hang out there but its not so easy keeping it where it needs to be.

what is it about the 7.9 that makes it better? range/damage? what about spread issues
with 3 less shells?


  • Re : Armor/Gun Outfitting of a Agano

    10. 26. 2005 08:30

From exp, use the dual 7.9 B D, enough ammo and hit hard at max range ~500s

Use light ammo.

Play dd/cl or cl only.

Minimum armor because you need the speed. You may want to use the cv engine,
but ive been told by higher lvl players than me that it is not worth it.

(Im only lvl 43)

Drop the torps.

Concentrate on big targets only, if a dd comes at you, have someone better vs dds
get in between you and fight it. you can then shoot it from beyond its range and
help your dd.

If you dont fight well vs cls, get rid of agano and use akitsuki/tsukeki. they are
better vs dds.