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  • Downing Torpedo Bombers with...

    10. 26. 2005 10:20

Well looking back at naval tactics one for large ships like Hheavy Cruisers and Battle
Ships was to fire their large guns at the water to down Low flighing Torpedo
bombers, infact during one of the runs against the Bismarck the Bismarck's main
guns used this very tactic and almost downed one of the swordfish biplanes.

Perhaps BB size guns or perhaps 8" or higher whichever creates the extremely large
splashes could be made to down Torpedo bombers on runs? I always loved the
idea, I posted it on the forums not long before the site changed so might as well
bring it up.

It works by firing the guns into the water the huge splash of water from the shells is
enough to down almost any aircraft if they are unlucky enough to be near it.

  • Re : Downing Torpedo Bombers with...

    10. 27. 2005 10:59

it might be a cool idea.

  • Re : Downing Torpedo Bombers with...

    10. 27. 2005 10:42

I was just saying it would be nice if it was possible, some people just don't have
guns or the ammo to pwnd away at planes and once torps go down low all you can
do is trust you auto AA guns can take them down before they drop their torps which
almost never ever happens. I have more luck killing Divebombers (5.9" with AAC one
good hit = kill) than I do torpbombers.

  • Re : Downing Torpedo Bombers with...

    10. 27. 2005 10:31

the bismarck used its main guns to shoot at torpedo bombers??? now thats a new
one lol as i remember it the 5" aa guns were having a hard time hitting them
because they couldn't shoot low enough. but the 15"s could shoot at the water??

  • Re : Downing Torpedo Bombers with...

    10. 27. 2005 08:30


  • Re : Downing Torpedo Bombers with...

    10. 27. 2005 07:09

Bismarck was dang near at pulling it off, one of the biplanes lost a large part of their
wing to a splash of water caused by the guns. It shouldn't be an easy thing to do
otherwise Torp bombers would be useless in the game.

  • Re : Downing Torpedo Bombers with...

    10. 26. 2005 19:21

But if it did work... There should be some kind of uber explosion, lol.

  • Re : Downing Torpedo Bombers with...

    10. 26. 2005 19:02

While it is true that several nations have tried the tactic of using their heavy guns
against airplanes, I can't think of a single documented instance where it ever
actually worked.

  • Re : Downing Torpedo Bombers with...

    10. 26. 2005 18:28

maby they do
i dont see why splash damge form a big guns wouldnt hurt a plane

maby you should get a bb player with something like 16inch guns an try it?

  • Re : Downing Torpedo Bombers with...

    10. 26. 2005 18:18

I agree. The machine guns on the ship can effectively hit the planes when they're coming
straight in, so why can't some main gun splashes do the same? Maybe if they get REALLY
close they could get knocked away by the gun's shockwave. That might be going a bit far,

  • Re : Downing Torpedo Bombers with...

    10. 26. 2005 17:49

Atleast someone agrees with me.
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