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  • Different sea conditions

    10. 26. 2005 13:46


how about a setting for sea condition. (calm, mild, average, high seas) where these
factoes would have some effect on the boats able to operate effectivly. (DD's had a rough
time in high seas) Some BB's were wet especially A turrets on US BB''s and were hard to
operate in places like the North Atlantic.

  • Re : Different sea conditions

    10. 26. 2005 17:48

good idea, but someone is talking about it already

  • Re : Different sea conditions

    10. 26. 2005 16:18

yes it would defiently kill blockshotting dds and stuff :P but it would be reaaaallly
hard to code.. because like when torps are going.. they would disapear as they
went beneath the wavesss. anywayss

  • Re : Different sea conditions

    10. 26. 2005 15:51

And it would not stay with crashing. It would also take the requirements for every
computer you want to play on up. So you need a better computer to play the game.



  • Re : Different sea conditions

    10. 26. 2005 15:49

and alos more then likely it would come with a million bugs, and lots of crashing

  • Re : Different sea conditions

    10. 26. 2005 15:49

You have a really good Idea. But I know it myself from the job I have, it is hard to
code something like that.

It would also make the Frigates nearly useless, because they can not operate in high
seas because they are not that high. A BB could have a better chance.

Ok, the bright side would be that the pay for play would go further backwards.



  • Re : Different sea conditions

    10. 26. 2005 15:48

I agree, it would be hard to code.

Awsome Idea though.

  • Re : Different sea conditions

    10. 26. 2005 15:27

True, It would be hard to code (For NF :P), but i love the idea though !

  • Re : Different sea conditions

    10. 26. 2005 13:51

too much trouble to code that in, i doubt it would ever happen