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  • options to nerfing

    10. 26. 2005 13:56

Lots of people are taling about this boat or that boat being nerfed etc etc. I was
wondering if there may be bigger issues causing the lack of balance these nerfs are trying
to fix.

lets take TW's for example. the real problem with TW's is not Japs good torps... its
really unrealistic speeds. I know also that some of the new DD's can spit out some nasty
torps (Z99) as well. but its not the torps its the speed of the boats thats the real problem.

a couple of suggestions. (this is mostly for TWs)

a) most of these guys use a skeleton crew. why not make a min required level of recruits
for a boat.

b) why not make it so that boats can not fire weapns systems when overheating an engine.
any boat moving at the speeds this game lets you move would have a hard time firing a gun
or torp. At the very least make accuracy fall through the floor when overheating or even
above certain speeds.

I guess my point is that nerfing individual boats is missing the point; its not the boats
or the torps that are unbalanced its the fact that they are being used in a non-historic
way while other weapons are held closer to historical norms.


  • Re : options to nerfing

    10. 27. 2005 05:09

Can iu get an amen!?