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  • Decrease the Whole randomness of the 3X 11" guns for KM at lvl 45

    10. 26. 2005 21:01

The randomness of the shots are completely realistic. I know 45 isn't ready for it, but
does the shots have to be so horrible at all ranges that the gun is completely
unusable for another 1 month or more of playing? Come on.... at least make the
accercy better at medium to close range. Cause realitically speaking acc. decreases
as a projectile travels a greater distance. Any gun in the real world would confirm
that statement.

So can i get some feedback on from the community. Just a slight decrease in the
randomness of the shots so there can be some coorelation between angle and
range landing please.

  • Re : Decrease the Whole randomness of the 3X 11

    10. 27. 2005 08:32

they do seem pretty random

  • Re : Decrease the Whole randomness of the 3X 11

    10. 27. 2005 06:06

Dudes before you post can you justify you answer. Everyone know the guns suck
but i just want the NF to at least mod the gun so it can be useable to some extent
ok~!!! And for your information i don't have a dland i have a Hipper. I just thought i
would be nice for the dland people to ACTUALLY USE THOSE 11" gun of theres

I'm just using reduce the randomness of the shots a bit~!!! I'm NOT using nerf it. So
read and THINK be for you post. And i doubt the 3 posters about would understand

  • Re : Decrease the Whole randomness of the 3X 11

    10. 27. 2005 01:34

i would have to agree with hailene on this one. it is definately widely known that
the 11" on the Dland suck unless you have a high lvl crew. besides at lvl 45
everybody else is using 8" what are you complaining about?

  • Re : Decrease the Whole randomness of the 3X 11

    10. 26. 2005 22:40

If you chose DLAND and you're a noob, you're fault for being stupid. KM forum posts
all say "NO" to DLAND for noobs, so either suck it up and wait it out or just speed
level a Eugen BO.

  • Re : Decrease the Whole randomness of the 3X 11

    10. 26. 2005 21:46

The German tripple 11"? If so, then it was your own fault for chosing the D-land
route. It's largely accepted that chosing the D-land route the first time through is

If you failed to heed the advice of everyone, who else is to blame but yourself?

  • Re : Decrease the Whole randomness of the 3X 11

    10. 26. 2005 21:32
