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  • PT boats would rule

    10. 27. 2005 02:32

I think it would be funny as hell to have a pt boat that could go really fast and turn
good and have like four torpedos on it but like no armor maybe a small gun too. but
nothing to unreasonable. somthing small, I dont know what they had back in the
day but I just think it would be fun to go barrelin ass threw the water twards a
battleship and launch 4 torps at him and turn just before you get shot.HAHAHAHA

  • Re : PT boats would rule

    10. 27. 2005 02:45

Lol, I can see it now, a small baot with longlancers blasting through the waves to hit
a CV/BB and just piss the BB off for the boat is too small to hit with shells that are
just as big as the boat itself... And CVs would be ticked to see their poor bombers
just cant hit that dang thing... Would be down straight out right funny to see these
in the game, but I dont think itll happen...

  • Re : PT boats would rule

    10. 27. 2005 02:41

then please let this boats out of op-convoy...
why dont you take a frigate for such action?
only my opinion.