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  • There should be battles played with real ships/fleet roles as a game mission

    10. 27. 2005 03:11

Aircraft carriers, heavy cruisers, light cruisers, destroyers, and frigates agaisnt a
team of the same fleet structure of ships and class spawned in different areas at
start with the goal of which teams ships perform its intended duties and survive the
mission and re join the fleet in the end of game. The fleets with the most returing
ships which performed the class duties wins..
Not often that a battle was won by battlle ship destroying every little ship in a
battle or an aircraft carrier took out half a fleet of vessels alone. Point being no ship
was any better than any other alone at see, and without the right support vessels
and team work they would run be badly damaged or sunk by inferior class vessels
without support or esscorts...
Needs to be more realistic and authentic in the way and how these great steel
vessels won , lost, and sometimes just survive each mission. Unlike the free for all
warning .... in sight, and a frigate sinking an CV or a wall or torps taking out 5 ships
at a time with out even seeing the ships it sunk (Torps had to have a target in sight
calculate the depth range, and time the fuse each shoot and then run like hell
because the torps wake would give them up unless at night)

If NF is wants the game to be as authentic as can be ( Ships class and names,
weapons ect...) then fine keep it real as should be!!

If NF wants to make it feel like the era of these ships and times with a fantasy and
non real battle concept which earns credits and points from unrealistic battles and
weapons on a (slot machine kind of reward systems for it players) Play , play , play
and guess guess, lose, win and still lose, play more and make some back alot in 1
day or a little in a month ..... I would rather pay 5 cents and pull the lever to earn
credits and experience... LOL

Or just go with what ever this game is a little of this and a little of that with some
changes most bad few good, and most the time who knows? Make it sound like an
authentic real life representation of the eras vessels, with some modifications,
controled ratio of play for pay earning upgrades (pay for everything sometimes 2x)
and still limitted to unreal battle, senarois, limited authentic play which these vessel
have earned the respect which sadly not given but bought or traded over and over...

Something to think about who plays, will play and pay, most of all a clever form of
gaming (a lot like a slot machine is played and pays out in set up, not much more)
Millions play slots religously pay alot for a little pay back, each pull is going to be the
one they need, and the next and so on....)

  • Re : There should be battles played with real ships/fleet roles as a game mission

    10. 28. 2005 00:39

Thanks for the reply, I would just like to add that you are correct in that ships had
roles and specific designs.. Battle ships were used to pound the shore before an
landing not to take out a fleet of destroyers..

It seems that NF has re invented the true design of the ships and thier capabilties
while attempting to keep the ships and nations names and classes somewhat
correct although tactically unrealistic in usages.

I really cant say that I heard of any light cruisers (or any ship) in any nation which
launched 30+ torpedos at one time ever!!

I think that if Team NF would stick closer to the real capabilities and designed roles
limits of each class and nations vessels people would understand that the better
any player knows the role and function of each ship they use the stronger the teams
become as a whole.. It is not the Battleship, Aircraft carrier, nor the Frigate that is
important individualy; together they are stronger and will be safer..

NF needs to limit the vessels to each ships duties and nothing more so that the
ships must learn they are a part of a team which no other can fill and are equally
important 1 and all...

Just my observatoins as to why NF is and will have problems with balancing and fair
play, because teams are made of individuals with individual needs and experience
picking a side for battle; with more just like them playing with no sense of team
roles, purpose, or cohesiveness of what team means!! How could we if not trained
properly so that one can gain competence and earn an promotion as a team player?

  • Re : There should be battles played with real ships/fleet roles as a game mission

    10. 27. 2005 03:36

TNF has tried to make it somwhat of what you said, your team gets tactical points
from team work, and that is what determines a win/lost.... With this setup they try
to guide players to use their ships as a team and not as a free for all rambo style
fight. The biggest problem as to get people to work as a team is that the players
need to want to work as a team. I like this idea. In fact the only ship class that can
hold off on its own is a CV, all other ships need to have sight to fight.... If a BB cant
see its target 13 miles off in the ocean then they just simply wouldnt be able to
fight, a CV is the only ship that can fight without sight.... Thus making all other ships
inferior to the CV.... Now BBs CAs and a crap load of CLs and DDs were escorts for
CVs in the event that a CV was trapped by the enemy and need surface support to
fight... Take the planes off a CV and a DD will win the CV. Unless of course the CV
wanted to ram the poor DD... Anyways, This idea is a good idea
... And a note for the torps, appearantly TNF forgot that torps had time fuses...