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  • New Patch Tonight 10PM PST-1AM

    02. 27. 2006 18:29

Dear fans of NF,

The new patch will be updated tonight. Expect the servers to be down from 10PM
Standard Time to 1AM PST.

This upcoming patch will include the following major changes:

1) 6 spaces added for premium ships: The total number of ships a player may have
will be
15+ 6 premium ships.

2) Players will have the option to sell their premium ships in harbor.

3) The sailor ability information display will be fixed.

4) CV/BB limits will be removed due to popular demand for a 2 week trail period. If
this time we notice an adverse impact on gameplay (lag, CV/BB dominating games,
etc.) then
it will be reverted.

We expect these to be welcome changes. Thank you for all of your support.

Team NF.