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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • EXP, TW and CV

    10. 27. 2005 07:26


ATM I'm playing Z52 (2 lvls and I'll have Z99). I'm training BO for IJN CV, the exp is
slow, he reached lvl 20, and now question is... is it better to make him a Fubu BO and
play nooby (for me) TW to train new one faster or keep playing Z52/99 ?

  • Re : EXP, TW and CV

    10. 27. 2005 13:35

If you torpwhore right, being an IJN torpwhore is better than being any other national TW
(which is why noobs complain about nerfing torps) and if you are a good torpwhore with
good torpmen (level 38+) then torpwhoring things is very very easy.

Here is what I did with torpwhore...First I bought lvl 38+ IJN torpmen (because now I can
use the M1Mod2 torps), then I leveled my BO from scratch to Kagero and then to Fubuki, put
the torpmen on the ship with the BO, and chose a sailor with HIGH (+14 is what I used)
potential to remain as a ghost crewmember on my Fubu. I kept torpwhoring until that
neutral finally reached level 51 (initially I wanted to change the neutral to CV BO at lvl
46 but I didn't have enough credits so I kept torpwhoring until I could afford the money,
which was around level 51), changed him to CV BO, and CV'ed until level 53 and then bought
Ryujo. From here on in, your BO would have to train in gunships in order to get
experience (or ride a CV) so having high potential helps (it helps in the beginning but
now even more so since experience is harder to earn). This is when you really don't need
your TW BO unless you choose to go BB route. But if that is the case, mission whore a lot
so your gunners and BO have plenty of experts or you wouldn't be able to see where your
shells land.

  • Re : EXP, TW and CV

    10. 27. 2005 13:20

I had a brit crew lvl 27, took me 1 month playing regulary to get them at this level; i
was beginning the game though.
I decided to go IJN, cuz i wanted to try that Oyodo & carrier gameplay. So, i worked
on having a lvl 19 jap B.O + 2 torpmen.

Once i had my Fubuki with lvl 19B.O + 2 lvl 18 torpsmen, i recruited 3 pilots for my CV
& 1 B.O for CV jap line.
It took me 1 week to get them lvl 27 !

I sold my brit crew, bought 2 jap gunners lvl 35.

Im planning a Fubu, a Tsukikei and my Oyodo.

IJN is the eprfect nation if you want to test everything -IMHO- !

  • Re : EXP, TW and CV

    10. 27. 2005 09:30


it is much more logical to train your sailors at tw line and then get a new bo at cv
line(potential of bo is not very important they say)
I will try that but i am not sure,because i don't want to waste my neut sailor at
high lvl,if i can't convert tehm to bo:(

  • Re : EXP, TW and CV

    10. 27. 2005 08:33

you misunderstood him, he said should he change his current guy into fubu bo and then
train a new one on the fubu.

i don't know, but i can tell you 25k damage in a game with 48 people with the fubu is not

  • Re : EXP, TW and CV

    10. 27. 2005 08:28

if you go down the FUbu line you wont be seing any CVs for a long while, first CV
along that path is the Shinano (top of the line directly after Yamato)