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  • deduct points for friendly fire

    10. 27. 2005 07:47

I would like to suggest the game deducts credit and or points when people shoot on
or torp there own side.

I play games and find it difficult to understand why certain players insist on firing
through there own players to try to get a shot on an opponents ship, never to
mention the amount of time I have seen and been victim to people fireing torps
from behind the lines and taking out their own side.
As I understand it at present there is no penalty for this?
I feel that if there was a negative to this type of disreguard for other team members
this would reduce the amount of mindless friendly fire.

  • Re : deduct points for friendly fire

    10. 27. 2005 08:28

good ideas

  • Re : deduct points for friendly fire

    10. 27. 2005 07:55

I am under the impression that this is already taking place.

It's hard to know since you don't see what the total exp. and credits are based on.

ie. The game does not say 200 exp. for guns, 100 exp for torps, -35 exp for friendly
damage, etc .......