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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • What Level is sensefull to use 7.9" Singles on DD?

    10. 27. 2005 10:50

When you can make good use of 7.9" Singles? Do they pay of already at Level 27?

  • Re : What Level is sensefull to use 7.9

    10. 28. 2005 07:40

"1. singles have the worst ACC of all the gun types (singles, duals, trips, quads, etc.)
for all nations"

Completely wrong. Try single 6 brit...

  • Re : What Level is sensefull to use 7.9

    10. 28. 2005 04:54

hmm...i started using the 7.9' singles again on lvl 57..was creating blocks with it too
if you know how to use them right. Its very effective at this lvl too since your reload
will not be 6 sec. >.<
You might want to try lower though..but i dunno since the only low lvl japs i have is
extra support, torpers and some B.O's......I would try like emperor said around lvl 40
would be your best bet so just skip them.

  • Re : What Level is sensefull to use 7.9

    10. 27. 2005 20:08

=.=' thats a lot. time to try them out.

  • Re : What Level is sensefull to use 7.9

    10. 27. 2005 19:15

Thanks a lot for your quick and detailed response! I must admit that i did fall in love
with these 7.9". Even in DD-games i now rape with these guns and i do no longer
fear the Z99 because i now have the longer range (even with heavies) and bigger
punch. I saw Z99er break off and trying to escape from my shells! Never had that
feeling before. I would love to see theire faces when they see they can not escape!

The average damage i make with these guns in a battle now lies between 7-12K
sometimes exeding this by far making up for ~ 800 Xp per game

  • Re : What Level is sensefull to use 7.9

    10. 27. 2005 18:54

good to see someone thinking my post is helpful. =)

  • Re : What Level is sensefull to use 7.9

    10. 27. 2005 18:19

I did try them out now and i must say i like them! Especially against CL/Ca a nasty

  • Re : What Level is sensefull to use 7.9

    10. 27. 2005 17:53

enwhyoo your very wrong that singles have the worst accuracy becuz you just got it
the other way around. know y? cause the higher lvl the gun and number of shells
can fire at once per gun, the spread gets worse and your skill of gunner will
determine the accuracy. i can blockshot when i used the 7.5" singles in brits at 750
ability maxed. outta observe more of what you said.

  • Re : What Level is sensefull to use 7.9

    10. 27. 2005 17:51

Well when your gunners can handle the guns (have good amount of experts/vets)
then they can be deadly. If you know how to shoot through shadows, even better,
but as a new guy to these guns, try them out, maybe you'll like them, maybe not.
However from a suggestive perspective, I say stick with 5.5s

  • Re : What Level is sensefull to use 7.9

    10. 27. 2005 17:40

i say they are useful most if you use the tsukikei at the akit route.

true that these guns sux against dds cause of its long rld, bad accuracy. most
reasons y are that if you're inexperienced as your first time using them with the
single 7.9", you will find that you will have hard time using them cause the speed of
their shells are uncontrollable especially in a dd in high calibre guns when fighting
close contact even if they do great dmg. however, due to its high calibre, alot of
dmg that you were suppose to dmg is greatly reduced if you're against a dd since its
a lower class ship to be used against them. as my predictions, you will dmg an
arouse horrible 475 dmg to a dd per shell.

i would say use these guns for dd/cl games and snipe cls with them. as you might
have noticed, using these guns will do precisely what they should be dmging only to
a CL/CA with maximum range as are very long range just like the z99's cheapass
dual 6.75" guns
but exceptionally due its high calibre, you can pierce most cl armor and do full dmg
within maximum range. if you can master your maneverability of your ship and keep
at range, having the 7.9" single can help train yourself for your upcomnig next ship
as a CL and does give better xp for hitting high calibre shells only at a distance if
aiming at a cl. True dmg of these 7.9" are around 575-650 so find sum nooby cls to
start off.

what lvl they are useful? use it anytime when u feel that your rdy to use them
cause they arent bad. just get use to handling the rld of the gun and follow what i
said above and you'll be fine. =)

*note*- the 7.9" are by far the strongest single guns and have reasonable rld than
any other nation for single calibre guns(exceptionize the germans single 11" as they
can only fit 2 of them in most german dds so it unbalances its full potential), use this
as your advantage.

  • Re : What Level is sensefull to use 7.9

    10. 27. 2005 13:55

As a DD, dont use 7.9 friend does it, and that is partially why he does so
bad (2k dmg if a good DD only game). The reasons why not:

1. singles have the worst ACC of all the gun types (singles, duals, trips, quads, etc.)
for all nations
2. the 7.9 singles require higher level than 5.5" duals
3. the singles take forever to reload

When you are a high level player with gold bar gunners and can no longer fit duals while
gunning with a full crew (just BO+ 2 gunners), then you can play with single 7.9 for fun
and for exp (bigger guns yield more exp).
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