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  • sick of stacking in op con

    10. 27. 2005 19:03

Pacific've all seen it so much in NF, especially since it gets harder and harder to level
up at high levels when playing normal games. So you cant really blame people for
stacking in order to get huge(i mean huge) amoutns of exp in a short amount of
time. But in pretty much every op convoy game i seem to join, its stacked because
nothing is being done to stop it! i was sjut in the a op convoy room and the teams
were clearly stacked and i was literally yelling to try and make them balence it but
their only responce was to tell me to tab! like cmon people(and you no who u r)
have some honour dont be a douch. i see quite a few psots about this subject yet
no mods promise anything to be done. the mods know people are doing it all the
time so why dont they stop it. did they really expect people to stop after they
screwed over clan SSF members? either try to watch over op convoy games or
modify them. their needs to be a change in the operation convoy system soon
people who agree with me need to let them know...


  • Re : sick of stacking in op con

    10. 27. 2005 22:14

if your so sick of it then dont play it

  • Re : sick of stacking in op con

    10. 27. 2005 20:39

an auto balancer would be nice or something

  • Re : sick of stacking in op con

    10. 27. 2005 20:33

Better idea; don't play Op Convoy. Between stacked games and desyncing (and god knows what
else) you're probably better off, money and exp wise, playing regular games.

  • Re : sick of stacking in op con

    10. 27. 2005 20:26

I'm tired of seeing people retiring when they find that the FF that was in their team
moved in the last moment to the other, but I don't blame them. I don't like to quit,
and i don't do it, but to loose 30 or more minutes of my life staring at my boat being
reduced to dust time after time is more than i can handle.

  • Re : sick of stacking in op con

    10. 27. 2005 19:48

"big problem" meaning what, exactly?

RTN and Valiant (oops!) are constantly stacking opcons, have been for weeks.

Crappie hosts them like crazy, and has a great habit of banning at the beginning to stack.

  • Re : sick of stacking in op con

    10. 27. 2005 19:34

I believe I remember a Mod saying that unless it is clearly an AB Game, they couldn't
do anything about stacked, games, but that was when the AB game was a big

  • Re : sick of stacking in op con

    10. 27. 2005 19:24

well so many people sometimes threaten to take screen shots of stacking but
whether or not it can actually prove anything or not and if the moderators decide to
do anything about it is another story....

  • Re : sick of stacking in op con

    10. 27. 2005 19:13

what's even more interesting is keeping an eye on who's doing it...

Pretty big case of the pot calling the kettle black... except this time, there's a pretty
ample amount of real evidence being gathered...


  • Re : sick of stacking in op con

    10. 27. 2005 19:07

I agree ..... always one sided, just an easy way to steal points and experience. Not
to mention the folks who we like to call "Leaches". Tab in and go AFK. There needs
to be a better way of policing this op con game.