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  • New game mode Perpetual Battles

    03. 17. 2006 03:07

This has been suggested before... i'll suggest it again, but exapand the idea

Perpetual battles. Battles that just keep going. Once its started ts keeps running
untill just one person left in it.

Simple idea, that would remove all the waiting and boredom factor from the game.

A host starts a room... selects "perpetual" option. Sets a max player limit lvl limit etc
etc. Once room is full enough to start they start.

If there are less than the selected number of people in the room... i.e 48 then new
people can join. Once a Perpetual Battle has started The "power level" feature is
automaically enabled. When new people join the battle, the power lvl feature
automatically sends them to the relevant team to maintain balance.

If people keep joining then these battles could last hours potentially. But still adhere
to the ship limit set by the Host.

Each Team would have a "RED ZONE" where they "spawn in" when entering a
battle that is already running. In this zone they would be "invisible" to the enemy,
they would also be immune to Damage, and would not be able to attack the enemy.

To prevent people "camping" near the red zone to catch people as they come out I
would suggest that the "red Zone" extends down the whole end of the relevan side
of the map... peple can exit the zone at any point they desire.

The Host could also set different modes for Perpetual Battles.
i.e Nation War UK V KM for example.
Axis v Allies
Fleet War - For Example BoB and PoV in a battle just for kicks. Or a Fleet V all.

for each different mode the "power level" would allocate ships to the correct team.
The host could also make the "power lvl" maintain a tactical balance... or just ensure
ships go to the correct team.

The Host could also toggle the mode to make the game "respawning" which gives
the player the choice "would you liket to re-join the game" or non respawning.

For the "premium counter" this would start from when "you" entered the game. Not
from when the game started.
For Win / Loss bonus it would basically calcualate if you scored more Tactical points
than the opposition got for "sinking you".

Think thats the basis of it. Will post more if i think of something i missed.


Edit by LM: will run this by the devs and see what they say

-=EDIT=- 09-05-07
ok, exp generation seems to be th biggest question right now.

well, Currently NF has a perfectly good system in place for calculating your exp...

its called.... your ATK points - And also tactical.


Each and every ship in the game is already allocated an ammount of "tactical"
points.. i think this is roughly based on the price of the ship.

To determine wether you are on the winning or looseing side of the battle... then
the game simply looks at what tactical your ship is worth, and how much tactical you
gained for your team by sinking enemy ships. We know that NF "counts" what and
how many ships you sink already... so the information is there for the game to use.

Then judging by wether you as calcualted as "winning" or "looseing" by your tactical,
you are assigned EXP based on your ATK total, everyone knows you get X more exp
for a won games than a lost one.

After the exp screen has come up... then you get the option to re-join or leave the
game. At which point the auto balance assignes you to a team if you are going to re-

  • Re : New game mode Perpetual Battles

    01. 24. 2011 21:56

Bump & Recc.

  • Re : New game mode Perpetual Battles

    09. 15. 2010 22:03


  • Re : New game mode Perpetual Battles

    07. 19. 2010 03:20

"Wasn't this idea officially turned down? "

So were Subs a long time ago , yet what do we have now? SS's .
And tbh, perpetual battle would increase the fun factor of NF by 100. The waiting for a
battle to start and end is killing. I want to play not to wait.

  • Re : New game mode Perpetual Battles

    07. 19. 2010 02:03

enough said.


already recc'd this XD

  • Re : New game mode Perpetual Battles

    07. 18. 2010 05:33

Wasn't this idea officially turned down?

  • Re : New game mode Perpetual Battles

    07. 17. 2010 19:01

"The problem with this idea is the programming involved. This style of play is not
compatible with their current models. "

I don't see how - Op Convoy is essentially a perpetual battle.

  • Re : New game mode Perpetual Battles

    07. 17. 2010 17:34

Incredible idea. Recc'd <3

  • Re : New game mode Perpetual Battles

    07. 17. 2010 16:05





  • Re : New game mode Perpetual Battles

    07. 16. 2010 17:35

this would be perfect

no waiting just playing

perfectly annahilating the boredom factor of the game.

  • Re : New game mode Perpetual Battles

    04. 22. 2010 12:47

The problem with this idea is the programming involved. This style of play is not
compatible with their current models.
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