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  • Fitting Crew Into the Q

    10. 27. 2005 23:52

Well, I didn't mean for the subject to rhyme, but ahh well

Just a quick question for those RN players more experienced than I (the majority, I'd
imagine). I'm right around level 20 and thus far I absolutely love the Q. I decided to
switch over from KM when I was level 30 or so, and I can tell a pretty large difference in
gun power. However, I'm faced with a pretty severe problem...

Most posters around here advise that one stick with the trusty ol' crew until the Sirius
becomes available at level 34, but I'm confused on one point. As it is now, I've got a
BO, two gunners, and two support on my ship, all with full recruits (might as well get the
experts early). The crew that I have in my support slots are completely bare-bones, with
a grand total of 5 or 6 sailors on them. Even with this crew, which I consider pretty
small...I can only fit about an inch of belt armor and moderate amounts of bulge and
bulkhead, without any deck at all. I've played around with it a bit, but I always end up
just a few tons shy of max discplacement, and this is at level 20. So,
does one "Armor Whore" as one should? How does one balance out crews? I'd imagine that
by the time I actually get into the high 20's and low 30's, when I'll be thinking about
moving over to the CL's, I'll only be able to fit a few full sailors in with absolutely no
armor whatsoever.

Anyway, to summarize - what should I do? Is it worth it to pack in every sailor at the
cost of armor, or should I only run my BO and gunners at full recruit? At what point
should I change ships?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! =)

  • Re : Fitting Crew Into the Q

    10. 31. 2005 06:44

Question: why do you want to armour whore?

Maybe if your DD opponents are all Z1s and such with 4" guns it's effective, but unless
you play in capped or limited rooms, you'll be up against ships packing CL guns. You'll
need 5"+ belt to make any sort of difference, and even that's marginal and won't help
against anyone who stands off and lobs anyway. You're relying on your opponent being a
n00b, and here's the thing about strategies that rrly on that: ANYTHING WORKS AGAINST N00BS.

Armour's only effect is to keep you firing longer and therefore doing more damage and
getting more experience. Well, news flash: shooting from longer range does exactly the
same (reduces the amount of hits on your FF sized ship with CL guns, and increases the
experience you get for your own hits). And without the armour, you can actually run a
decent crew.

Armour whoring is fun, but not rewarding.

  • Re : Fitting Crew Into the Q

    10. 30. 2005 17:58

I have 2 repairers and will soon have 2 restorers.

I've left them off my ship as Im just trying to get my gunners up to 33 so I can use
the double 6's

  • Re : Fitting Crew Into the Q

    10. 30. 2005 12:10

I was reading around and read that it might be good to train a seperate BO at the same
time for Carrier since ure BO doesn't need to be good to be Carrier. The thing is... if u
do that... u have NO pilots. Anyone try it?

  • Re : Fitting Crew Into the Q

    10. 30. 2005 12:04

Airtight--You NEED a support crew. You'll be payin for it when you get to your CA
and your ship explodes after 5 shells.

TDRKZ--2 AA gunners is all you need.

  • Re : Fitting Crew Into the Q

    10. 30. 2005 11:59

I don't armor whore but i wish to keep my recruits full.. soon i won't be able to. as u
were saying how far do i want to go. depends on when retail will be coming out and how
they plan to make it. I havn't heard much for a while since i havnt looked but were they
planning on p2p or pay for ship and when was planned release?

BTW how many AA do u need on ships? whats max?

  • Re : Fitting Crew Into the Q

    10. 30. 2005 11:04

I have only my BO and 2 Gunners on my Q, all lvl 31-32 and with full recruits.

This lets me use single 6's and 4in belt, 2 bulge and 2 bulk.

It works really well in DD only battles but u need to watch out against CLs and Z99s

  • Re : Fitting Crew Into the Q

    10. 30. 2005 03:28

how to use Q:

Don't AW
keep recruits maxed.
Use single 6 45 L (duals too heavy, too weak, too low range; trips too weak, too low range)

Snipe CL.

simple as that.

  • Re : Fitting Crew Into the Q

    10. 30. 2005 01:17

Scout, and AA if you want it. And how much support you want depends on how far
you're going to go. Going past retail? Stopping at retail? What ship do you want to
end in? Go to and find it and learn how many slots it has. Keep
in mind that gunships take 2 slots for gunners, 1 slot for BO, 1 rookie pilot (scouter),
2 for AA (if you chose), and the rest can go into support. I don't know enough about
carriers to answer the proper pilot ratio.

  • Re : Fitting Crew Into the Q

    10. 29. 2005 15:43

I'm having same problem. I'm lvl 23BO on q and i'm down to .5 belt now due to my maxed out
crew. I have support sailors in all slots except gunners and bo of course and everything
in maxed out. If i level up a few more times, i won't be able to max out my sailors let
alone have armor. May have to switch engines but that would suk... Tips anyone? I plan
going edin route not sure if i should go through sirius or not. Also i'm only training
guys on my ship currently which means only 5 support. Do i try leveling up another one? or
wait till my next ship?

Now that i think about it.. that might be a good idea. I'll have 1 new sailor who weighs
not much and at the same time i level him i rotate my other support sailors so that they
are still around the same level.... i solve my weight problem and add another sailor for
my CL... btw how many support sailors are on cls? and whats max? how many support do i go
for? and what else do i need... probably need a scout too anythign else?

  • Re : Fitting Crew Into the Q

    10. 28. 2005 07:26

I was a big fan of armor in the Q. I kept my BO and gunners full and levelled
everyone until they started getting heavy (if memory serves I ran 5" or so of belt
and 10 in bulkhead. After that I maintained supports, gunners and BO and stopped
carrying secondary armament guys. I'd rotate sailors in and out of the support slots
to level (they really do nothing much for you below mid-30s anyway). My support
guys are all within 2 levels below my gunners and BO. They don't have the same
expert count the gunners do, but they're still pretty good. This tactic gave me a
pretty effective CL crew.
The dual 4s are pop-guns, so I'd go with the single 6's. You'll do more damage
with them, and at a greater range so you'll get the exp bonus from fighting at the
extreme length of your range. IF someone decides to close with you they'll pretty
quickly discover that the single 6's are pretty nasty and quite capable in close.
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