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  • NF make pre configured battles with limit of classes and types

    10. 28. 2005 01:04

Make battles (Large, medium, small)

*(these being maximum number of ships per a side, and can go with less but must
have exact number of each ship on both sides)

* (Both side must have same number of the pre designed ships, no more than what
is allowed, although can have less as long as both side are equal in number of the
ships types)

Example small battle
2 Battle ships
4 CV's
8 CLs
12 Destroyers
12 Frigates

When the a ships type are filled for the battle no more ships of that type will be
allowed in and when all ships are filled it starts or when players agree equal in ships
and not full!!

It would cut down the stacking and or I am not moving he was here first and
banning blaha blahh blahh......Make it faster more balanced and simple streamlined
and yet fair battle...

Well I think you get the general idea !

Let me know and NF know if you think its a good idea as I do or not?