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  • DON'T RESTRICT NUMBER OF SHIPS that a player can own.

    10. 28. 2005 04:09

I don't think it makes sense to have a limit on the number of ships you have, and I see no
reason why this rule should exist.

Is teamnf worried about hoarding ships? I believe the price of ships prevents hoarding
already, and stocks can always be increased.

Is teamnf worried about server space? Owning more ships will take a negligible amount of
data to store.

Players should be able to own as many ships as they can afford, and as many of the same
ship as they desire to buy. The benefit to players here is that they can avoid losing
money for changing weapons/accessories from Rule#9. Also, TeamNF does NOT have to worry
about players having too much money by avoiding Rule#9, because players will be spending
even MORE money on multiple ships PLUS accessories for each of them.

The only possible problem is ship names, but first of all, I don't think we'll really run
out of ship names. Second of all, I don't think ship names should have to be unique
anyway, since the player ID is already unique. nevermind that idea, i'll put it in a
different thread in case some people like one idea but not the other, recommend the other
one for non-unique ship names.

Recommend this thread if you believe players should be able to buy whatever ships they
want and can afford.

  • Re : DON'T RESTRICT NUMBER OF SHIPS that a player can own.

    10. 28. 2005 04:54

You can always store the hard data in the user HD, it will not be used if he's not on
line, and keep a record of type of ships he own in a 4byte txt file. When he logs in
the server loads the data from the HD and checks against the file he have.
Simple, saves a lot of space in the rerver, and prevents people from tweaking their
ships ilegally.

  • Re : DON'T RESTRICT NUMBER OF SHIPS that a player can own.

    10. 28. 2005 04:38

1.- i think if u have 10 ships u are limited the posibility of OTHER player to buy this
ship, EXAMPLE limited stock OF SIMAKAZE

2.-i think that is for the space on Database (disk) to almacenate all data of
Ship,guns,torps,armor.... i all people have 10 ships.

  • Re : DON'T RESTRICT NUMBER OF SHIPS that a player can own.

    10. 28. 2005 04:23

Loved this one, I personally hated to sell my Z1 to buy my Z31, there are some
missions where I would like to use Z1 and not Z31... And if you could have two or
more of one kind of ship, you could fit them as you like for different kind of missions.