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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Fuso or Ise

    10. 28. 2005 09:50

Ok this is an old and noobish question. But I think there must be an answer~

  • Re : Fuso or Ise

    10. 31. 2005 08:03

im going ise route. i just want that crazy hybrid cv/bb...even thought the extra
support is tempting....

  • Re : Fuso or Ise

    10. 31. 2005 00:55

These are the name of the jap battleships

  • Re : Fuso or Ise

    10. 30. 2005 08:08

what is fuso and what is ise?

  • Re : Fuso or Ise

    10. 30. 2005 08:05

Tnx intro.

  • Re : Fuso or Ise

    10. 30. 2005 05:20

i think this was an older post about outfitting kongo,from windforce.
12L.Some put 14L 1 bind but is a bad idea.such a very weak gain range and dmg
boost DOES not justify to have only 1 bind!
After all kongo only purpose is to kill cls/cas,not bbs.12L already outranges ALL cls
and cas and u will need more than 1 bind to sink a good amount of such.1 bind of
14L will not fit the bill.
is only worth to sacrifice binds to use 16 D for Kongo.
light armor.thats it.easy.
and some 4.7s as AA.

  • Re : Fuso or Ise

    10. 30. 2005 00:46


  • Re : Fuso or Ise

    10. 29. 2005 20:27

Guys, i was wondering if you have jap hvy gunners to spare? Given that u guys already reach
the ise and fuso lvl. Thats amazing. Btw, how did u guys upfit your kongo anyway? Need advise
from jap vet. Tnx

  • Re : Fuso or Ise

    10. 28. 2005 18:50

I totally agree with you Intro.

I Myself recommend the Ise, i have the Ise.BB, and the Ise.CV.. there ships are near
identical, it all just comes down to presonal preference, if you wan tthe extra slot for a
need engineer you have or a restorer, or you would like ot toy around i na cvv with bb
guns just cus you can like i do lol but either way nearly identical.

  • Re : Fuso or Ise

    10. 28. 2005 18:50

so which is better? ise or fuso

personally fuso is sexier, but other than that extra support slot, overall playablity for the grind
ise seems better.... but its so ugly tho

  • Re : Fuso or Ise

    10. 28. 2005 17:40

and yes i had and tried both.
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