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  • Payment of NF

    10. 28. 2005 11:01

Is it reasonable for a 2D game cost 5-7 us dollars per month ?
And also it still need a lot of time to fix those bug.
In this period,we can not log in or sometimes we lost someting from our accounts.
So What do u think ?
How much will u pay for it ?

  • Re : Payment of NF

    10. 28. 2005 11:27

As someone who has betaed a few other games (some of which went to commercial) this game
offers nowhere near the depth or quality of what should be going retail.

The sound is simply non-configurable. I have a voice chat server with a few friends and we
simply cannot chat while firing. Its possible to configure somewhat by changing the
volumes of other programs and lowering the volume somewhat, still this is awful. The UI
also needs significant work, I mean I'm so tired of clicking 30 times to refill a group of
sailors. These are just a couple of quick examples of things that a game should not be
trying to fix in the last 2 months. The last 2 months should be balance and bonus feature
addition as well of expansion (new types of fighters, ships, perhaps adding the Russians)
and streamlining the interface, chat etc etc).

A previous game I played was Shattered Galaxy, which went through two years of beta and
finally attained good gameplay and a fair degree of balance. That game was worth $10 a
month, this game isn't worth $3 as it currently stands.

  • Re : Payment of NF

    10. 28. 2005 11:21


If its gonna be buggy like this, not a penny.

But its still BETA, so i think, hope, pray, for SDENTERNET, when the go retail the
bugs, or most of them wil be history. And if thats so, i think i wil pay like 5 euro's
a month, like 6 us dollars. Causse there isnt much else to do than just bang
other ships....if we had free roaming in high seas it would be much more fun...

  • Re : Payment of NF

    10. 28. 2005 11:14

Why pay at all if the server is going to be down like this.

  • Re : Payment of NF

    10. 28. 2005 11:06

at the most 5 dollars, just cuz this game is NOT read at all for retail