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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • I am new to the game and I'd like to join to the Imperial Navy

    10. 28. 2005 22:11

First of all, nice to meet ya all, and as my topic title mentions... I am totally new to
that game, however I got something really clear which is that I'd like to play in the
Imperial side, therefore I would need you to answer me few questions:

1- Does the imperial Japanese Navy has clans/guilds or similars?
2- Is the Imperial Japanese Navy the minority? if so.... which is the side with more
3- I would much appreciate if you could provide me with some good tips.

Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Re : I am new to the game and I'd like to join to the Imperial Navy

    10. 29. 2005 09:11

In addition to Archer's tips, here are some things about IJN:

-BBs are horrible until lvl70 (which roughly means 8-10 months playing regular games or 4
months or so in Operation Convoy games)

-IJN has best torps compared to all other nations

-Playing torpship would give you fast experience but your sailors would have bad abilities
(ability is determined by number of experts/veterans within the sailor, more ability means
more capable sailor and a better performance in battles) because you are speed leveling
(this also occurs in Operation Convoy (OC) games)

-IJN gunships have relatively good range so use that to your advantage when you play: try
to maximize your range when shooting your guns, it might be horrible compared to cloes
combat as a DD, but it pays off when you reach CL (light cruiser) or higher

-Play level capped (low level DD or DD/CL games) first until you get a good feeling, then
play capped games and All Welcome games depending on if you want to level faster or just
enjoy big battles. Both are beneficial to your experience as a player and to your sailors
in the game

  • Re : I am new to the game and I'd like to join to the Imperial Navy

    10. 29. 2005 09:04

A good tip (one that has caused much controversy):

If you want to play with a carrier (CV), start your first IJN bridge officer and let him
go down the Fubuki ship line (aka the torpship line as people just put torps on the ship
and no guns). And the crew to put on that ship are:

1. BO (bridge officer) for Fubuki line, keep him at minimal recruits/experts/veterans
(around 10)

2. A neutral sailor (preferrably with high potential like +14 or +15) and keep him at
minimal recruits/experts/vets (around 10)

3. 2 IJN Torpmen and keep them at maximum recruits/experts/veterans if you can without
sacrificing speed (if your speed goes lower than 57 knots, then you are going too slow and
you'd have to reduce a few recruits)

4. Fill any remaining spots (you should have 3 I believe) with sailors that you would turn
into pilots (find two sailors that are +10 to Aircraft and +10 to Bomb AT LEAST, and one
sailor that is +10 to Aircraft and +10 to Fighter AT LEAST, best if they are +11 or +12 to
those respective fields). Keep the number of recruits/experts/veterans on these sailors
at a minimum as well (10 or so), but unlike the neutral, you want to change these sailors
to the next sailor CLASS as soon as possible that would lead the two with +10 bomber stats
to become Dive Bomber pilots (DO NOT CHANGE TO TORPB BOMBERS) and the one that is +10 to
Fighter to become a Fighter pilot (change all three pilots-to-be to become IJN Special
Forces at lvl12, change all three to become Scout pilots at lvl25, change the
fighter-to-be to fighter pilot at lvl40, and the dive bombers-to-be to dive bombers at
lvl45). Once your neutral reaches lvl46 and you have 2 million credits, change that
neutral to become IJN bridge officer that follows the Akitsuki line to the Hosho CV line
(consult, the IJN shiptree, for more information). Then you would have
lots of fun. However, after your sailors became pilots, train them to have more experts
either in missions or regular games (play Mission 110: Incapacitate BBs).

  • Re : I am new to the game and I'd like to join to the Imperial Navy

    10. 29. 2005 08:25


hi amikar

The IJN does not have its own fleets per say... Lots of clans (fleets) in this game are
multi-national, so people from USN and KM and RN are often in same clan.

There are a few clans that are nation-specific, but not too many.

The IJN and Kreigsmarine(Grm) are the minorities in this game I would say, becoz they have
lesser amts of players than the USN and RN (UK) from what ive seen.
On the old forums the KM and IJN sections were the least active =P

So...for tips...

Well, first of all IJN is a hard side to play because we face lots of challenges with our
ships. To start,

-We have worst armor
-Our ships are more expensive and require higher levels to use
-We have bad AAW (flak for shooting planes)
-We have worst support crews
-Japanese heavy cruisers have bad gun angles

But we also have positives..

-Diverse lines of ships
-Best carrier line*s*
-great torpedoes (but plz dont play with a torpedo ship all the time...thats called a
TW..torp whore and nobody likes TW hehe)
-Great Range on DD/CL/CA guns
-Good planes (2nd best DB and TB)
-Yamato xD

another tip...go to and check out the ship lines, and sailor trees that
are on there so you have a idea of what the IJN ships are...theres tons of info about
anything nf-related as well.

so..basically if u play IJN prepare to be challenged ;)

  • Re : I am new to the game and I'd like to join to the Imperial Navy

    10. 28. 2005 22:49

clans hae nothing to do with nation; NF simply has clan support unlike other game, and
gives u a logo, u are listed as being in clan, etc.

thus u should not care about amount of ppl either, and it's really hard to say. be
concenred with ur playing style, which nation best for ur style, etc.
note that japs are toughest nation to play for gunships, and also weakest armor and

plz visit and find obst's nation and sailor guide. welcome to nf, have fun.